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Everything posted by Kappa

  1. http://steamcommunity.com/id/lan_boi is my profile link
  2. Your in-game name: Frosty Your Steam profile link::http://steamcommunity.com/app/42710/ Your in-game name: Frosty Your Steam profile link What country are you from?:sweden How much do you play ZAM?:in a week like 60 hours Have you read and followed the requirements?(Yes/No): Yes
  3. Your in-game name: Frosty Your Steam profile link:http://steamcommunity.com/app/42710/ What country are you from?:sweden How much do you play ZAM?:in a week like 60 hours Have you read and followed the requirements?(Yes/No): Yes
  4. Kappa

    ban appeal

    i only wanted to rejoin becuase my internet was so laggy and today it says that i have been a bad player and i gonna be a zombie in 1 day and a half please fix it
  5. good luck zayden i hope you get it to bro
  6. good luck buk lau i hope you get it
  7. Kappa

    ZAM Gungame #2

    it was so good buk lau i enjoyed it
  8. i enjoyed so mouch and it was so good :-)
  9. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/835832813004626718/66463F07E29C23E63860A8593AA985458C14842A/
  10. griggs kan du få mig att bli staff i zam classixz sa till me att se andras feedback och alla sa ja och bradymanZ sa ja för att jag hjälpte han att banna en och många andra saker kan jag bli moderator eller staff?

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