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Griggs vs MyXa


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I love starting arguements with MyXa he is super fun to talk to, so if you want to check out our conversationg it's down below ^^


I started the conversation just to be a little annoying and since it's MyXa, I think it's quite funny <3 xd


So what do you guys think? Who's right?


02:06 - Griggzor': have u ever been electrocuted?
02:07 - Moxeiro: ye
02:07 - Griggzor': nope
02:07 - Moxeiro: once
02:07 - Griggzor': u havent
02:07 - Moxeiro: i have
02:07 - Griggzor': nope
02:07 - Moxeiro: i was like
02:07 - Moxeiro: 13
02:07 - Moxeiro: we was playing
02:08 - Moxeiro: outside
02:08 - Moxeiro: with my friends
02:08 - Moxeiro: and like
02:08 - Moxeiro: we found
02:08 - Moxeiro: dis area
02:08 - Moxeiro: locked off
02:08 - Moxeiro: with this gate
02:07 - Griggzor': i arent think that u know what elecrocuted means
02:08 - Moxeiro: and it was electric
02:08 - Moxeiro: and i touched it
02:08 - Moxeiro: and i screamed
02:08 - Moxeiro: xD
02:08 - Moxeiro: elecrocuted
02:08 - Moxeiro: wtf
02:08 - Moxeiro: is that
02:07 - Griggzor': thats not electrocuted
02:08 - Moxeiro: i mean electrocuted
02:07 - Griggzor': electro
02:07 - Griggzor': kid
02:07 - Griggzor': electrocuted
02:07 - Griggzor': sawwy
02:08 - Griggzor': anyways
02:08 - Griggzor': you've been shocked
02:09 - Moxeiro: i was electrocuted
02:09 - Moxeiro: by lightning
02:08 - Griggzor': that mena syou've died
02:09 - Moxeiro: xd
02:08 - Griggzor': means you've died
02:09 - Moxeiro: when u get electrocuted
02:09 - Moxeiro: u dont die...
02:09 - Moxeiro: u moron
02:09 - Moxeiro: u prolly will
02:09 - Moxeiro: not always
02:09 - Griggzor': -.-
02:09 - Griggzor': you're the moronw ho doesnt know engrish
02:10 - Moxeiro: -.-
02:10 - Moxeiro: u dont
02:10 - Moxeiro: die
02:09 - Griggzor': electrocuted means that you were killed by electrisity
02:10 - Moxeiro: LOL
02:10 - Moxeiro: u r
02:09 - Griggzor': obviously you do
02:10 - Moxeiro: so retarded
02:10 - Moxeiro: xD
02:09 - Griggzor': no you're retarded
02:09 - Griggzor': i am so right
02:10 - Moxeiro: Electrocute = Injure or kill someone by electric shock
02:10 - Moxeiro: downer
02:10 - Moxeiro: INJURE
02:09 - Griggzor': nope
02:10 - Moxeiro: yep
02:10 - Griggzor': Electrocution is death caused by electric shock. The word is derived from "electro" and "execution", but it is also used for accidental death.
02:11 - Moxeiro: u did not say electrocution
02:11 - Moxeiro: u said
02:11 - Moxeiro: electrocute
02:10 - Griggzor': Electrocuted
02:10 - Griggzor': i said
02:11 - Moxeiro: ye
02:11 - Griggzor': ye'
02:11 - Moxeiro: electrocuted means injure or kill
02:11 - Griggzor': and that means the same thing
02:11 - Griggzor': xd
02:11 - Griggzor': nope
02:11 - Moxeiro: electrocution is different
02:11 - Griggzor': no
02:11 - Griggzor': it's not
02:12 - Moxeiro: why r u questionjing
02:12 - Moxeiro: my english
02:12 - Moxeiro: LOL
02:11 - Griggzor': you suck
02:11 - Griggzor': I am obviously right
02:12 - Moxeiro: not rly
02:12 - Moxeiro: i know my english
02:11 - Griggzor': you just dont want to admit it
02:12 - Moxeiro: no ur not
02:11 - Griggzor': apperently im better at english than you xd
02:12 - Moxeiro: look on goggle
02:12 - Moxeiro: and stfu
02:12 - Moxeiro: xD
02:12 - Griggzor': Shocked is the correct term incase you're still alive
02:12 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:12 - Moxeiro: past tense is electrocuted
02:13 - Moxeiro: means the same thing
02:13 - Moxeiro: as electrocute
02:13 - Moxeiro: so pls
02:12 - Griggzor': give link kid
02:13 - Moxeiro: stop arguing
02:13 - Moxeiro: with me
02:12 - Griggzor': give me a link
02:12 - Griggzor': proof
02:13 - Moxeiro: https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=8T3JVaWxKqTj8wfHkLTgAQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=Electrocuted
02:13 - Moxeiro: past tense is electrocuted which is the same as electrocute
02:12 - Griggzor': link of website
02:13 - Moxeiro: but in past tense
02:13 - Moxeiro: u moron
02:13 - Moxeiro: wot website
02:13 - Moxeiro: its on foken google
02:13 - Moxeiro: now u cant deal with i
02:13 - Moxeiro: t
02:13 - Moxeiro: xd
02:13 - Moxeiro: dont question my english
02:13 - Moxeiro: kid
02:13 - Griggzor': http://prntscr.com/836v2s
02:13 - Griggzor': im right
02:13 - Griggzor': this is google
02:13 - Griggzor': dont question my english
02:14 - Moxeiro: na
02:14 - Moxeiro: dis is the dictionairy
02:14 - Moxeiro: its right
02:13 - Griggzor': give me a link you retard
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=8T3JVaWxKqTj8wfHkLTgAQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=Electrocuted
02:13 - Griggzor': YE SURE
02:14 - Moxeiro: there kid
02:14 - Moxeiro: at the top
02:13 - Griggzor': THATS NOT A LINK DAMMIT
02:14 - Moxeiro: moron
02:14 - Moxeiro: read
02:14 - Moxeiro: xD
02:13 - Griggzor': ehh no..
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:13 - Griggzor': we get differnt shit you moron
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:14 - Moxeiro: https://gyazo.com/3af7a4f025916a1a9a30226a3abe3df4
02:14 - Griggzor': that is a screenshot
02:14 - Griggzor': are you to scard to give me a link to the proper site?
02:14 - Moxeiro: when u get electrocuted it doesnt mean u just die lol
02:15 - Moxeiro: electrocution means so
02:15 - Moxeiro: not electrocuted
02:14 - Griggzor': obviously it does
02:15 - Moxeiro: its either injure or kill
02:15 - Moxeiro: not just kill
02:14 - Griggzor': unless you give me a link you're wrong
02:15 - Moxeiro: i did give u a link
02:15 - Moxeiro: u downer
02:15 - Moxeiro: its a dictionairy
02:15 - Moxeiro: it clearly states
02:15 - Griggzor': Should I be scard that you think gyazo.com is a dictionary?
02:15 - Moxeiro: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/electrocute
02:16 - Moxeiro: electrocute is same as electrocuted just past tense
02:16 - Moxeiro: it clearly says injure or kill
02:16 - Moxeiro: u moron
02:16 - Moxeiro: -.-
02:16 - Moxeiro: u dont just die
02:16 - Moxeiro: straight away
02:16 - Griggzor': http://www.thefreedictionary.com/electrocuted
02:16 - Moxeiro: unless its electrocution
02:16 - Griggzor': ima find other dictionaries
02:17 - Moxeiro: dats some swedish shit
02:16 - Griggzor': nope
02:17 - Moxeiro: xd
02:16 - Griggzor': american kid
02:16 - Griggzor': lel
02:17 - Moxeiro: there are loads of electrocute meanings
02:17 - Moxeiro: it can be like
02:17 - Moxeiro: getting killed
02:17 - Moxeiro: by the us law
02:17 - Moxeiro: u kno
02:17 - Moxeiro: when u kill soemone
02:17 - Moxeiro: den got death sentence
02:17 - Moxeiro: it can be shocked a bit of electricty
02:17 - Moxeiro: but not neceserily die
02:17 - Griggzor': http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/electrocute?q=electrocuted
02:17 - Griggzor': cambridge
02:17 - Griggzor': xd
02:18 - Moxeiro: lel
02:18 - Moxeiro: as i said many different meanings lol
02:18 - Moxeiro: like that shock game
02:18 - Moxeiro: u still have electricty flowing thru ur body
02:18 - Moxeiro: but u dont die
02:18 - Moxeiro: lol
02:18 - Griggzor': ye cuz it's a shock game
02:18 - Griggzor': you said it yourself
02:18 - Moxeiro: yes
02:18 - Griggzor': it's not a electrocute game
02:19 - Moxeiro: electrocute is when you have electricitiy flowing thru ur body
02:18 - Griggzor': xd
02:18 - Griggzor': die
02:19 - Moxeiro: so even a shock game
02:19 - Moxeiro: makes u get electricty
02:19 - Moxeiro: flowing
02:18 - Griggzor': obviously
02:19 - Moxeiro: so u dont have to die
02:19 - Moxeiro: my point proven
02:19 - Griggzor': Shock = getting electricty running through you body
02:19 - Moxeiro: kthxbye
02:19 - Griggzor': Think you got it wrong kid
02:19 - Moxeiro: ITS NOT SHIT
02:20 - Moxeiro: FFS
02:20 - Moxeiro: GRIGGZ
02:20 - Moxeiro: BY ELECTRICOTY
02:20 - Moxeiro: OMFG
02:19 - Griggzor': you're so dumb you know
02:20 - Moxeiro: NO
02:20 - Moxeiro: caps
02:20 - Moxeiro: ur the dumb one
02:19 - Griggzor': You got a wrongfully source
02:20 - Moxeiro: u dont even know
02:20 - Moxeiro: what it really means
02:20 - Griggzor': in almost every dictionary there says KILLED
02:20 - Griggzor': I should call oxford right now
02:21 - Moxeiro: IT CAN KILL U
02:21 - Moxeiro: BUT NOT ALWAYS
02:21 - Moxeiro: WTF
02:20 - Griggzor': and informthem by this misstake
02:21 - Moxeiro: AND NOT GET KILLED
02:20 - Griggzor': I know how electricity works and so do you
02:20 - Griggzor': but now we're talking grammar
02:21 - Moxeiro: dont start grammar
02:21 - Moxeiro: u dont even know what past tense is
02:21 - Moxeiro: xd
02:21 - Moxeiro: brb
02:25 - Moxeiro is now Away.
02:28 - Moxeiro: k
02:27 - Moxeiro is now Online.
02:28 - Moxeiro: back
02:27 - Griggzor': Here are my sources:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=electrocute(What I said)
02:27 - Griggzor': now fight me kid
02:28 - Moxeiro: ow for fucks sake
02:28 - Moxeiro: r u still on about dis
02:28 - Moxeiro: lol
02:28 - Griggzor': Just gotta make sure you know that you're wrong and I am indeed very much correct
02:29 - Moxeiro: well ur stating
02:29 - Moxeiro: that if ur electrocuted no matter how u die instantly
02:29 - Moxeiro: and wlel
02:29 - Moxeiro: sir
02:29 - Moxeiro: that isnt the case
02:29 - Moxeiro: u moron
02:29 - Moxeiro: now smd
02:29 - Moxeiro: imma go watch
02:29 - Griggzor': Feel free to review my sources but I know you "can't be arsed" so I win this time MyXa, untill next time :)
02:30 - Moxeiro: well na
02:30 - Moxeiro: coz u know ur wrong
02:30 - Moxeiro: xd
02:30 - Moxeiro: tell me quickly what are you stating
02:29 - Griggzor': Read my sources
02:30 - Moxeiro: nono
02:30 - Moxeiro: tell me
02:31 - Moxeiro: You're saying that if you're electrocuted, no matter how or what frequency, you will die?
02:30 - Griggzor': electrocute
To kill something using electricity. In common usage, the word is incorrectly used as a synonym to "shock," which means to apply electricity to. This usage being far-spread does not make it correct, however.
02:30 - Griggzor': (copy-paste)
02:30 - Griggzor': obviously
02:31 - Moxeiro: fucking tell me
02:31 - Moxeiro: wot is ur statement
02:30 - Griggzor': That was the statement?
02:31 - Griggzor': mr.pudding
02:31 - Moxeiro: HOW IS THAT
02:31 - Moxeiro: WHY
02:31 - Moxeiro: R U CHANGING UR MIND
02:31 - Moxeiro: LOL
02:31 - Moxeiro: LOL
02:31 - Griggzor': erm?
02:32 - Moxeiro: U SAID
02:32 - Moxeiro: BEFORE
02:31 - Griggzor': I'm not?
02:32 - Moxeiro: U DIE
02:32 - Moxeiro: LOIL
02:31 - Griggzor': What are you on about?
02:31 - Griggzor': I've said the exact same thing all along
02:32 - Moxeiro: nowherre does it isay electrocuted
02:32 - Moxeiro: in that statement
02:32 - Moxeiro: ....
02:32 - Moxeiro: it just says killed by electricity
02:32 - Moxeiro: which is fair enough
02:32 - Griggzor': electrocute
To kill something using electricity. In common usage, the word is incorrectly used as a synonym to "shock," which means to apply electricity to. This usage being far-spread does not make it correct, however.
02:32 - Moxeiro: you can die
02:32 - Griggzor': read
02:32 - Griggzor': first word
02:32 - Moxeiro: yes
02:33 - Moxeiro: it does not
02:33 - Moxeiro: say
02:33 - Moxeiro: electrocuted
02:33 - Moxeiro: TO KILL SOMEONE
02:32 - Griggzor': electrocute
02:33 - Moxeiro: OFC U CAN KILL SOEMONE
02:32 - Griggzor': l2read kid?
02:33 - Moxeiro: WIT ELECTRICITY
02:32 - Griggzor': with*
02:33 - Moxeiro: LOL
02:33 - Moxeiro: u r so dumb
02:33 - Moxeiro: did u even read
02:33 - Moxeiro: what it said
02:33 - Moxeiro: xD
02:33 - Moxeiro: it can kill
02:33 - Moxeiro: doesnt have to
02:33 - Moxeiro: u proved fuck all
02:33 - Griggzor': Clearly you're the one who is dumb, you refuse so admit that you're indeed wrong
02:34 - Moxeiro: Griggz
02:34 - Moxeiro: stfu and tell me
02:34 - Moxeiro: griggz
02:33 - Griggzor': xd
02:34 - Moxeiro: listen
02:34 - Moxeiro: tell me
02:34 - Moxeiro: wtf
02:34 - Moxeiro: am i admiting to
02:34 - Moxeiro: ?
02:35 - Griggzor': You should be admiting that you were indeed wrong with the statement that you have been elecrocuted, due to the fact that this is a grammar failure, however the correct word should have been Shocked, when I asked you my question you should have said "No, never. However I've been shocked if thats what you're asking"
02:36 - Griggzor': No clue why you're trying to defend the common missconseption of Shock and electrocute
02:37 - Moxeiro: wat lol
02:36 - Griggzor': :-)
02:36 - Griggzor': wat lol
02:36 - Griggzor': XD
02:37 - Moxeiro: i actually have been electrocuted, as electrocuted means that you have electricity flowing through your body, and i had electricty flowing through my body, so therefore i was electrocuted
02:38 - Moxeiro: so u cant say i wasnt
02:38 - Moxeiro: as i was
02:38 - Griggzor': no actually you have been shocked, as shocked means that you have had electricity flowing through your body, and you had electricity flowing through your body, so therefore you were shocked. Also shocked means surprised, but it has different meanings.
02:38 - Griggzor': :-)
02:40 - Moxeiro: yes
02:40 - Moxeiro: i was both shocked and electrocuted
02:40 - Moxeiro: so either me or u r right kid
02:39 - Griggzor': r u a ghost or a zombie?
02:40 - Moxeiro: deal with it
02:39 - Griggzor': I am indeed right
02:40 - Moxeiro: DEAL WITH IT
02:40 - Moxeiro: GRIGGZ
02:40 - Moxeiro: DEAL
02:40 - Moxeiro: WITH IT
02:40 - Moxeiro: is it that hard
02:40 - Moxeiro: t odeal with it
02:40 - Moxeiro: just dont argu
02:40 - Moxeiro: and deal with it
02:40 - Moxeiro: DEAL
02:40 - Moxeiro: WITH
02:40 - Moxeiro: IT


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