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Zombied bc restroom issues

Beluga Whale

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I am zombie every game for 1.5 days because I had to get up to use the restroom I went afk as a survivor and came back with the LOST CONNECTION TO HOST error at the main menu of multiplayer I came back right after and tried to play but it called me a bad player. I should have just left as I was a survivor but I believed that I could have made it back in time to still be alive.


P.S. if you believe me please give me a trophy as a symbol of fighting for me being un-zombied.


P.S. I believe the admins will be reasonable but I just wanted to show that there were infact people in the game with me and saw me say I gotta go to the restroom.

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I was in-game at the time this actually occurred. This is what I managed to find.

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/924794463336821853/B1A5B757D18FD79976B11ADBC86F9E6797064EC6/ - Looks like you got a Server command overflow.

No problem! Now, just wait and see what the staff members have to say about this. Good luck!

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