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Everything posted by BrEn!

  1. you guys like my ride, with this i get all the girls.
  2. BrEn!

    !fpsboost return?

    As pat said, it makes it a way to see the zombies through smoke positives: - extra fps - can see zombies through smoke -can add a different way of playing due to colour -looks cool negatives: -can see zombies through smoke -colour change people might not like. the command could be added in but the main problem is that people can see zombies through smoke.\ i dont really mind either or so go for whatever other people say
  3. Sadly, i havent been on ZAM much lately, but i really appreciate @gart3 @xStoner420x for stepping up. LONG LIVE ZAMERINO
  4. Thankyou All for Saying Happy b'day


  5. Are you seriously worrying about platinum class? omg hartman is right.
  6. owk den, my bd is on wednesday so thats tuesday for u guys
  7. this is why i absolutely hate you, you arent funny, your a faggot. If/When ZAM actually ends up going down there will be a good part. not having to ever talk to you again. instead of criticizing people. what about you say your thanks to classixz?
  8. BrEn!


    I know it'l be hard work but we could make a sub-division for members who dont want to be here for zam related, maybe this clan could extend to more than just ZAM related?
  9. NO ONE CARES AT ALL Pranked Bro! got you good you thought i hated you. well im actually glad to have you back
  10. BrEn!


    I mean surely you cant just be kicked out of thew clan because you aren't active on bo1? it just means maybe lose trusted.
  11. BrEn!


    I understand that UU is a Zombie related clan but Once (from what I know) plays a lot of black ops 3 with other clan mates. I could be wrong, but maybe there is a part in this clan build for people like Once? People who don't want to retire from the clan but want to play other games. Does it have to be the retired group?
  12. BrEn!

    New skin?

    Can't be 2 hits, that will encourage camping too much. Plus free limb protector, idk. Nice che idea though!
  13. To try and help the problem does that mean when i want to chill i should be in UU channel and not mine?
  14. Can you like STFU? do you want more hate or something, you trying to start stuff? i already dislike you enough, dont make that turn into a hate.
  15. I always hop into the UU chat when m playing ZAM, unless im with my Aussie friend head shot. The problem is that i dont find enough enjoyment out of ZAM when im alone to want to play it, I still like to hop on every-now-and-then but i cant seem to get the enjoyment out of it as i used to. As a result of this i am to blame for sitting in my private channels instead of being in the UU channels,
  16. or more people will come and play because of it. your logic frustrates me
  17. Your app just got accepted... Well there goes another guy who was fun to play with...
  18. B4 scorelimit was added i got a 334 kill game, which used to show on website like about 2 years ago.I miss top nuketown spot but we cant rly have it, as everyone said 15 ppl went up there. so it wasdnt rly fair..
  19. BrEn!

    Happy birthday!!! Sorry for late reply, only came on website now.

  20. BrEn!

    ZAM // ZEM

    IMO I liked ZEM for nearly all of those things, but idk why but I always hated the different zombies, ( the ones that give buffs and debuts at the same time) but I did really enjoy the run and gun, it was a really fun way of playing the mod, and I reckon to implement that's into ZAM would be very cool. Run and gun map: if this becomes a thing, it can't be for a map, I think having it for a vote on different maps, eg for Nuketown, Jungle, Firing Range, and a couple more would make it better. Not available for all maps, but for some would be awesome.
  21. yeh hoping that more will post there setup.
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