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Everything posted by Bt3dPwner

  1. The pros themselves get 30 score in no time. Just think if there was 2 of them? Game would be over so fast lol @Nuketown
  2. Those houses are op. It always sucks when I am the one knifing and everyone ends up camped in there and I die.
  3. Bt3dPwner

    The UU-C

    If anything ZAM should be a place for conversation. Its a damn forum. Forums are designed for this. Doesn't matter the topic. Unless of course classixz himself locks the forum because it was inappropriate. Good point out @Dewsty
  4. It would be better for me to practice rather than to get wrecked everytime I go for a knife lol. Best way to practice?
  5. Bt3dPwner

    The UU-C

    Requirments for getting in?: Being able to press 4 4 1 :fuckyea:
  6. sounds fantastic and a great opportunity to train!
  7. Would that be just a knifing server? Closed to non-UU-K members? If it is just knifing and not closed to other people I would love it. The only problem is COD servers are expensive to keep up with :( $$$
  8. Well then I will have to practice won't I? :P
  9. Is there a trick to knifing? I seem to always die on a 1v1 knife.
  10. G.I. Joe scene? doesn't matter it was funny as hell lol
  11. Happy Birthday! Feels good to be 18.
  12. Nice. If you go to videocopilot they have some pretty sweet tutorials and they give away free FX in their vids all the time. All the effects are hd and well made. Hope it might open some options up for you :P
  13. Did you just find free effects or use the ones built in already?
  14. Dang guys these pictures look fantastic :superman:
  15. Thank you for the information Thank you as well. I just use a ps3 controller to play so its hard to alternate between keys. I am much better at console than pc so I use the controller.
  16. Using the program 'Auto Hotkey' allows you to code your own hotkeys and etc. I just wanted to know if I would be able to use this in ZAM for a quick menu access or if it could be potentially bannable.
  17. Exactly. Just like the normal Flak Jacket on multiplayer. 2 c4s and your done but it doesn't protect from all damage. I was just hoping for something that may protect you once.
  18. @iKinG that set up is rediculous. I can only dream about having that masterpiece.
  19. When I buy c4 I get 2 of them and if i get 2+ kills with it I usually get 4X the amount I spent for it though. Unless I blow myself up.
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