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Everything posted by Gunter

  1. MY RETURN TO ZAM?!?! (Classixz Disstrack) NO CLICKBAIT
  2. Well when he mentioned you he asked if you had a say or not regarding Indy.
  3. Yes thats exactly what you should do. And I don't get why you get angry at Hartman. (sure, he uses your name, that would aggravate me too. But it's not against the rules) But you are mad cause he is calling you gay or a fag or whatever. But you do the exact same and this makes it harder for people to take this ''issue'' seriously. And I you're definitely not helping yourself by saying that the staff doesn't care. Cause as Moon said earlier in this topic, She has tried to help you. Show some fucking respect.
  4. What did I do that was non-christian to deserve this?..
  5. I strongly disagree. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. #LetIndyPlayAgain )
  7. Vov4ik (fade) got banned from the website for boosting his own rep with a fake account he made where he pretended to be his own best friend or something lol
  8. Who let this fgt back in kappa
  9. inb4 someone says I miss indy
  10. Can everyone just stop fucking assuming that everyone in our friend group share the same opinion? I don't care if we use the new or old system. Do I prefer the old system? Yes. Because I enjoyed looking at everyones applications and voting yes or no. But as long as you make the right desicions I don't fucking care.
  11. This was just a social experiment
  12. I actually just named it that cause we were joking about it but k. Can't have fun without being deemed immature I guess.
  13. I'm not gonna speak for everyone in this ''small'' friend group. But, what I would like to have, and what I think that most of us want is an age limit on UU member applicants.
  14. Gunter

    dont know how ?!

    If you were a survivor when you left you could have just left the server completely if it was gonna take longer than a minute to get a drink - _________ -
  15. blyat But I agree with pat, if theres a way to prevent people from cading right where the zombies spawn in, I'd love to see the flags again.
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