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Everything posted by ░MyXa░

  1. you try hardcamp every game too LOL XD someones a bit hypocritical
  2. probably most downie comment ive seen
  3. If i was his ''friend'', and i was on ts with him, and he was telling me hes lagging really badly, and i saw that he clearly was, i wouldn't ban him considering it was like 20 seconds left, but i guess thats just me xD
  4. I mean, nagini likes hitler, peacy is austrian so... theres correlation xD
  5. classixz working hard af, heard griggz did quite alot too, we're quite lucky they still care about the mod, a +1 from me
  6. bruh that kid actually put ur pants down xD
  7. "" thanks you for this your browsing information xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd VERI STRONK INGLISH ME LIVE IN INGLAND "" i mean you're being a little cunt to him, because he doesn't know good english, its only natural you get fucked for it
  8. man you really can't take a joke xd seig heil
  9. well he made some points that I'm sure relate to you, ya bik nub
  10. the auto ban kinda broken doe, if you spawn as a zombie when a new map starts, and u leave, it auto bans u xd
  11. ░MyXa░


    well its a zam video atleast
  12. actually an enjoyable video, not bad not bad
  13. right right xD gg ez feed
  14. Someone is obsessed with the nazis
  15. Just wanted to put out an idea out there, so that zombies can actually match the humans, because at this point camping is way to easy, and definitely the reason why everyone leaves all the time. I thought of something like: When a zombie lets say has an excess of points, and doesn't need it for anything aside from limbs, why cant there be a macro, or just an option within the shop menu to regenerate health? e.g. a zombie is trying to destroy cades, he has 500hp; he gets shot from the humans, so now he might be about 200hp; he has 150 points, cant use it for anything else, so he decides to spam the regenerate health option (lets say it regenerates 50 health) and it costs 50 points. He can do that until he runs out of points obviously. To me this is kind of a good concept as zombies would save up like 500 points then rush attack. Kind of like waves, but then every now and then much more powerful waves. dunno if this is possible, but would certainly make life for zombies a lot easier, and also maybe keep more people on the server meanwhile
  16. ░MyXa░


    Have to keep up the server somehow. Not free to have ZAM up and running; income is key
  17. if you think new classes will get added to zam you're going crazy and i would recommend seeing a doctor xD only revival hope for zam is another game, whether that be a different call of duty, such as the new one coming out (cod ww2) or bo3, which looks quite unlikely, from what i have seen and heard classixz gave up on that idea. whatever you try now wont help, dunno why you're still wasting your time.
  18. maybe you could pay for titles ingame? xd like the names above your head but to something else e.g. L337 Haxor
  19. this is the most aids topic i have ever seen. Let me make something clear, with the recent update, its atleast 10x easier to kill survivors, for me it doesnt take 15 seconds to get the first 1-2 kills, if i can do it, you should be able to do it, ive played some games recently, with 13-14 people on, decent amount, and noone was able to camp more than 5-6 minutes. clearly you're either just terrible at this game, or you just completely hate that sharevideoshite kid. the update is perfect, the fucking purpose of this mod is still to SURVIVE from zombies, by essentially doing anything (not glitching obv). the purpose will NEVER change. I run all game and i always have fun, always seems as though when i die the map ends....
  20. i did see a kid wallhacking and aimbotting some time ago when i played some zam with griggz, i told him, because obviously im not dumb and i can tell when someone cheats (u kno.. experience xD) and ofc he didnt permban him sigh could be same guy, dunno
  21. same like ur mother, never confident in bed, she knows its too big
  22. this isnt about your english.... xD its about how stupid you can be the mod hasnt even been out, and your asking to fix ''glitch bugs''? xdddd honestly i dont see why you even try.... You're not funny, you dont help at all, noone seems to like you at all, just a nuisance honestly, but i won't tell you what to do, your choice
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