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ZAM [ZAM] Member
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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Yeh its pretty annoying cuz the ninja and the knife are actually quite useful, hope this one gets fixed soon
  2. Jesse

    Another video

    And another one!
  3. Axis zombie seems to be bugging out sometimes, you get the limb but nothing else, here are screenshots what i mean: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/849342792232901427/940C450EDA51BF9A10E306A10F15BE41E910E821/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/849342792232901427/940C450EDA51BF9A10E306A10F15BE41E910E821/
  4. Jesse

    Another video

    Thanks fade, GG!
  5. New video is out, hope you guys enjoy this one, more will be out soon aswell!
  6. I don't think the gun itself should be nerfed, because its pretty must a must have if there is 15+ zombies since its pretty much the only weapon that will keep you alive at that point. Just the fact that ppl buy it early on makes i too op in my opinion.
  7. Hello there everyone! A lot of people use the AA12 shotgun and might buy it very early on. And because its so powerful, it leaves zombies pretty much no chances in small numbers. So my suggestion is: You cannot buy AA12 unless there is atleast 10 zombies. I think this would balance this weapon quite a bit since its very frustrating when people buy it when there is only about 5 zombies.
  8. I like these ideas, good job!
  9. Haha no way man, does this look like last Survivor to you? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/849342434363773877/56387B556B30F0B834B1BD25CEE22BF2FFB7D34D/?
  10. Jesse

    My skin idea

    Thank you, I'm very glad you like it
  11. Jesse

    My skin idea

    Hello everyone I'm coming out with another idea for Zam and this time its a skin for hunters. So the skin would be called Bomber or Suicide bomber. Things the skin would contain: Start with 2xC4 (like you can buy from the store), 3 frag grenades or semtex grenades instead of the tomahawks, and 40 kill streak reward get free Rolling Thunder, that's the killstreak Marksman class has in its class shop. I think it would fit well for a bomber class, maybe a mortar team at 30 kill streak aswell? And special ability: Able to kill yourself with an explosion of C4 by spamming the 6 number on your keyboard (like bomber zombie) to kill all zombies around you within small radius. Note you don't need to have C4 as an equipment to do this since the skin would have C4 attached to it's chest. The ability to kill yourself is not really useful but rather funny and i think it would create some funny moments in Zam, like being last one alive, running around and exploding and killing yourself. xD Also i got an idea what skin would look like, its a suicide bomber from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, link here: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Suicide_Bomber. I hope you guys like my idea, i took some time thinking about this one. Let me know what you think about it
  12. Ah, well what you think about my idea, could it happen?
  13. Nice! It would be atleast cool to have it for the black ops 1 SMGS, but more the better ofc
  14. Hi there! I have a small idea about the camos we have for the black ops 1 SMGS currently. What you guys think if normal users (not platinum) would a very low change (like 5%) to start with a golden SMG? I think it would be cool and ppl would like it and be surprised when they get it And for platinum users, when changing the class on the website there would be an option to pick golden camo for your black ops 1 SMG instead of getting the other camos we currently have. And if possible same thing for the black ops 2 SMGS? I know its a small idea but i think people would like it, and more platinum users would use the black ops 1 SMG's to get that sweet gold camo. Let me know what you guys think
  15. Nice, if you want you can add me on steam, my summer holidays just started so i have a lot of time now, my steam name is Jesse and profile link here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073086927/
  16. Thanks mate, i will sub your channel aswell :), we should play sometime together, maybe?
  17. Cheers! Glad you like it, much love!
  18. New video is out! Hope you guys like it
  19. Thanks, im very glad you liked it, new video will be out this weekend, i will post it here once its out!
  20. Thanks mate, i will make more
  21. 2nd video is out, something different than the first one
  22. Ah i see, i just back to Zam last sunday, took 1 year break but now im back. Im probably gonna upload another video tomorrow, camping, but i will see if i can some knifing aswell. Cheers!
  23. Thank, im very glad you liked it Did you expect something different then?
  24. Started an youtube channel, here is my first gameplay video, let me know what you think about it in the comments
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