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Everything posted by Wast

  1. Tomawks don't one hit / destroy cads.
  2. French Translation version 1.0 :D How to add a spoiler ? Menus() { //1 level.ShopMenu_item1_eng = "^81. ^7Weapons"; level.ShopMenu_item1_fr = "^81. ^7Armes"; //2 level.ShopMenu_item2_eng = "^82. ^7Special items"; level.ShopMenu_item2_fr = "^82. ^7Equipements spéciaux "; //3 level.ShopMenu_item3_eng = "^83. ^7Perks"; level.ShopMenu_item3_fr = "^83. ^7Atouts"; //4 level.ShopMenu_item4_eng = "^84. ^7Barricades"; level.ShopMenu_item4_fr = "^84. ^7Barricades"; //5 level.ShopMenu_item5_eng = "^85. ^7Class Shop"; level.ShopMenu_item5_fr = "^85. ^7Armement de classe "; //Title level.ShopMenu_title_eng = "Human Shop"; level.ShopMenu_title_fr = "Magasin des humains"; //ESC level.ShopMenu_esc_eng = "^7ESC ^8Exit"; level.ShopMenu_esc_fr = "^7ESC ^8Fermer"; //Weapons 1 level.ShopMenu_weapons1_eng = "^81.^7 Normal Weapons"; level.ShopMenu_weapons1_fr = "^81.^7Armes normales"; //Weapons 2 level.ShopMenu_weapons2_eng = "^82.^7 Good Weapons"; level.ShopMenu_weapons2_fr = "^82.^7Armes redoutables"; //Weapons 3 level.ShopMenu_weapons3_eng = "^83.^7 Awesome Weapons"; level.ShopMenu_weapons3_fr = "^83.^7Armes Surpuissantes"; //Weapons Random level.ShopMenu_weaponsrandom_eng = "^8-.^7 Random Weapon ^8[^7700^8]"; level.ShopMenu_weaponsrandom_fr = "^8-.^7 Armes Aléatoires^8[^7700^8]"; //Weapons Upgrade level.ShopMenu_weaponsupgrade_eng = "^8-.^7 Upgrade Weapon ^8[^7500^8]"; level.ShopMenu_weaponsupgrade_fr = "^8-.^7 Améliorer Arme^8[^7500^8]"; //Misc level.ShopMenu_Ammo_eng = "^81.^7 Max Ammo ^8[^7300^8]"; level.ShopMenu_Ammo_fr = "^81.^7 Munition max ^8[^7300^8]"; //No PTS*?1 level.YouDontHavePoints_eng = "^1You don't have enough points."; level.YouDontHavePoints_fr = "^1Tu n’as pas assez de points."; //Already got perk level.AlreadyGotPerk_eng = "^1You already got this perk"; level.AlreadyGotPerk_fr = "^Vous avez déja cet atout"; //Barricades Normal level.NormalBarricade_eng = "^81.^7 Normal Barricade ^8[^7100^8]"; level.NormalBarricade_fr = "^81.^7 Barricade normale^8[^7100^8]"; //Barricade title level.BarricadeTitle_eng = "Barricades"; level.BarricadeTitle_fr = "Barricades"; //Barricades Standing level.StandingBarricade_eng = "^82.^7 Standing Barricade ^8[^7100^8]"; level.StandingBarricade_fr = "^82.^7 Barricade debout^8[^7100^8]"; //Other barricades level.StrongBarricade_eng = "^81.^7 Strong Barricade ^8[^7100^8]"; level.StrongBarricade_fr = "^81.^7 Barricade résistante^8[^7100^8]"; //2 level.StandingStrongBarricade_eng = "^81.^7 Strong Standing Barricade ^8[^7100^8]"; level.StandingStrongBarricade_fr = "^81.^7 Barricade debout résistante^8[^7100^8]"; //3 level.doubleStack_eng = "^83. ^7Strong Double stack ^8[^7200^8]"; level.doubleStack_fr = "^83. ^7 Barricades empilés résistantes ^8[^7200^8]"; //4 level.TCade_eng = "^84. ^7Strong T-Cade ^8[^7250^8]"; level.TCade_fr = "^84. ^7Barricade Résistante en T ^8[^7250^8]"; //Misc level.WizardTeleport_eng = "^83. ^7Save/Load spot ^8[^7Free One-time^8]"; level.WizardTeleport_fr = "^83. ^7Enregistrer/Charger emplacement ^8[^7Gratuit une fois^8]"; level.UpgradeDesertEagle_eng = "^83. ^7Upgrade Desert Eagle ^8[^7900^8]"; level.UpgradeDesertEagle_fr = "^83. ^7Desert Eagle amélioré ^8[^7900^8]"; level.UnlimitedAmmo_eng = "^84. ^7Unlimited Ammo ^8[^71200^8]"; level.UnlimitedAmmo_fr = "^84. ^7Munition infinite ^8[^71200^8]"; }
  3. I never saw you since i'm back too... (4 months ago i guess).
  4. Your aim sux that's all :D If you use it on a close place, that's easy
  5. I don't know (right "know" ? :D)... Maybe because i try to speak english and i'm not realy good at that... Let it like that, more damage will make it to much powerful.
  6. Yesterday, when 1.5 was up, i got a bug with upgrade desert eagle sound. When some1 use the upgraded desert eagle, you heard the shoot on all the map. I don't knew if this bug is still on the new update.
  7. Never see you on server but you speak french so i don't knew...
  8. I hope this update won't be like ZEM update... "with nothing new" i mean. But anyway good job for this update Kex (classix).
  9. And Spatriot is a gamer like an other, he can mad like all player on the server.
  10. School is more important than video games. Not for be "your parents" but that's right...
  11. Tooke my 20 minutes for understand it :D
  12. Music are 115 and beauty of annihilation. And nice vid'
  13. El Mudo - Chacarron Macarron best song ever.
  14. A YES for me. He didn't break rules, he is a nice guy... He will become a good moderator.
  15. Idk... I'll maybe cut halfe the intro next time.
  16. It's my biggest fail EVER ! and enjoy the music....
  18. I play Eu server all the time because they are more player on it. When Eu is down or they aren't too much player, i move to US server. If you ever close US server, make the EU server 32 slots.
  19. I got killed 3 or 4 times because of explodes zombies or burning shaman when i was knifing... So my suggestion is to make a perk against this kind of zombies. Maybe arround 1k points if you want.
  20. Noob camper owed. And nice feed :D
  21. Heyo, this is a gameplay only run. I get arround 25 kills, and praticly all by knife or tomawk. I guess I could get more kill if others don't die so fast. I hope you enjoye. In this gameplay you can see : Me get "gangbanged" at the end and got a cool feed, dusty saved by me ( at 2:15)... -Wast
  22. So i guess my internet suck --> Or i just joke :D
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