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Ban Appeal : uNL Fanta


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I talked to angelo, i know fanta from a long time ago, he doesn't particularly speak english, in which case i agreed for angelo to make the ban apeal for kex to see.

Thanks , and sorry (all) for lack of response to questions, but I wasn't have a time . 

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If I'm not mistake all people who used the console commands at the time of that outbreak were given permanent bans. And they're not called permanent for nothing.

Edit: found the thread http://undeaduprising.net/new/index.php?/topic/3317-these-new-hack-commands/#entry17763


Most of the people who appealed got unbanned. That's why i told him to make a ban appeal.

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Why people, who deserve a ban get unbanned for making a ban appeal?


It's because people take the time to make an account and then make a thread expressing their sorrow.  Then they have to go through the guilt stage where everyone can see what they did and how wrong they were, kind of like seeing someone getting executed.  

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