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What needs to change.


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Alright guys, I know I rarely post on the forums, but I think this is the right time for me to put out my opinion on the state of the community and what needs to change. This is going to be a very long post but I encourage you to read the whole thing because I'd like to hear what you guys think. 


Management: Our first topic is going to be management throughout the whole of the clan (UU, ZAM, the website, etc.) I feel as if the clan is completely splitting up, mostly between members and regular players. We've lost respect for the normal players in the community. This shows in the way I've seen people interact and carry out tasks involving or around regular players. Members need to realize the THEY ARE THE COMMUNITY. 44 thousand people have played ZAM. Now I realize this doesn't mean they they're active, lets say only 2 thousand play on a weekly basis. There are currently 21 people in our official members group. 21/2,000 makes us just over 1% of the entire server population. We can't sit there and mistreat normal players just because we feel that we have a sense of self importance. There are a few changes I am going to highlight in this section, 1. I'm going to ask that we rethink the way we treat our players. 2. I want a new topic opened, this topic is going to be dedicated to reporting admin abuse, and/or their mistreatment of players.


Organization: I can guarentee you almost every member in UU has wished or at least thought about becoming admin, and I'm sure every admin has thought about their demotion. It's time for some changes, inactives need to be kicked and regulations should be added(which will be covered fursther in this topic) and evalutations made every other month which should determine whether or not each admin should retain their postition. Second, ranks should be more defined between members, moderators, and admins, just as there are head admins there should also be head members, and a head moderator, which would participate in the evaluation of members/admins.


"Feeder" Clans: I'm just going to be brutally honest with this one, UU-Dayz, UU-CS:GO, even UU-H1Z1 TERRBILE IDEA. Even if you're going to say "they expand our community and help us grow" they don't. If anything, these so called "feeders" only isolate and separate us as a whole. I have a question for all of you, how many UU-Dayz players can you name? I can name only two, thats because they all sit in their own channel away from the rest of the community. Are these people really benefitting our community? I'm going to ask that these "feeders" either be labelled differently and have their own ts section, or that they be disbanded altogether. I know this is harsh but what we need right now is unity, and these clans aren't promoting it. 


Echelon: People don't realize it, but Echelon is a huge asset to our community, it's and easy way to see and manage information on players. Literally as I was typing the previous sentence Proselyx informed me of a rage quit, which I then logged on to echelon and provided a notice. Echelon needs to be available to all UU members (giving them the ability to notice through the site)


Member/Admin Inactivity: Inactivity is a huge issue facing our community, how can members set a good example and repesent the clan if they're never on the server????? I'm going to propose that a new feature be added to echelon: This feature would track the in-game time anyone above the power level 8  (which is regular member) There needs to be a required minimum of 2 notices and 10 hours in-game (ZAM eu, ZAM us, or snife) required each month. Activity needs to be evaluated every other month and decisions need to be made on what to do, whether it be demoting, or kicking out the person in question. Inactives are not benefitting our community and currently nothing is being done about them. 


Community Manager: Currently, UU has no community manager. We need someone to act as the face  of our community and to handle things like events or bans. Someone needs to step up, or be nominated to officially take this position. This needs to be a person who is willing and capable of managing our community. 


Now, I know that you all have seen these types of posts before, and I know most of you just disregard them. I'm going to ask that you all please read this, and respect my opinions on these issdues in the community. Feel free to post what you think in this topic, and I will leave you with a quote from non other than anonymous:


                                                                                  "I'm not asking you to think like me, I'm merely asking you to think"

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Feeder clans

I'm sorry I can't agree with the "feeder clans"... As you said "If anything, these so called "feeders" only isolate and separate us as a whole. ".. That makes no sence, They proudly represent UU in sub games like h1z1 dayz csgo.... They don't go into games and go oh UU clan is terrible. UU is a zombie clan, therefore h1z1, dayz fit in. As for csgo we all have our opinions but it seems we are getting a lot of people move on to it,so why not give them a UU clan for csgo so they can still be apart of us and represent us.

Member/admin inactivity: you have to notice 2 people??.... That encouraging them to find people to bans, no that's not how we play its for fun and 10 hours a month is understandable and you know I get where you're coming from, but who says because you don't play it at least 10 hours makes you a bad member and you should be demoted? Same goes for admins, if it's like more than a year off go ahead demote them, that's understandable but a month, two months?? That's just asking for people to be demoted.

2,000 might play weekly but for how many hours? 1 or less for 1,000 of those.

Community manager:

We would all like people to step up, I can name a few right now I want cm. But it's there choice and we need to be respect that. The whole desperate need of cm isn't true. Classics has handled apps, others have stepped up. If someone would like to step up as cm please do, I'm not stopping you. If we say we really need it its just going to put more pressure on people thinking of it.

Apart from these I liked what you said, especially about head admin, head moderator, head member.

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You just dont get it. You cant demote someone for not being as active as he used to be. He earned that position and has done a lot more work in his mod/admin time than u have in a month now that ur in our staff. You're new, thanks for the idea but its a nono.


P.S. Please dont threaten admins they'll lose their rank because they're not active. They're above your rank and have much more experience than you do.

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You just dont get it. You cant demote someone for not being as active as he used to be. He earned that position and has done a lot more work in his mod/admin time than u have in a month now that ur in our staff. You're new, thanks for the idea but its a nono.


P.S. Please dont threaten admins they'll lose their rank because they're not active. They're above your rank and have much more experience than you do.

Thankgod someone finally stated you shouldnt  get demoted for inactivity

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So, if I attain moderator/administrator, I can go inactive for a year, not give a shit about the mod and I'll still keep my rank? Sweet!


And yes, that too was sarcasm.

I fully understand a year you should be demoted, but enforcing you to play 10 hours monthly or demote well no, should be demoted/not demoted depending on what you do in game, not how much you play. You never know someone's job might be busy as heck over Christmas and then they won't be able to play 10 hours, therefore he might only be able to get in for 5-8. But in those hours still does an amazing job.

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You just dont get it. You cant demote someone for not being as active as he used to be. He earned that position and has done a lot more work in his mod/admin time than u have in a month now that ur in our staff. You're new, thanks for the idea but its a nono.


P.S. Please dont threaten admins they'll lose their rank because they're not active. They're above your rank and have much more experience than you do.

Admins are there to ban rqers, to help people on the website, introduce a useful idea, etc, AND well if they cant do that? They need to be replaced. Dont get me wrong here, but once someone earns it, they can also lose it.....its not permanent. 

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Admins are there to ban rqers, to help people on the website, introduce a useful idea, etc, AND well if they cant do that? They need to be replaced. Dont get me wrong here, but once someone earns it, they can also lose it.....its not permanent. 

Agreed, but not just because someone doesnt have the time to play 10 hours a week like mentioned in the first post.

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10 hours a month equates to 600 minutes

                                                    30 days


600/30 = 20 minutes for every day. If you're not willing, or unable to devote 20 minutes a day to ZAM, I'd say you're either extremely busy, or just dont want to play.

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While I see no problem with staff taking a day off here and there, nobody can deny that some of the senior staff have been afk for months now :p


I don't think demotions in some cases are a bad idea at all. Some people do have valid reasons for not being able to play, but if your never there for the servers you probably shouldn't wear the admin cap anymore. That's how i've always felt, and why i've tried to stay active even if it's just a couple hours or a couple rounds a night. Noone expects you to spend all day on the server(s), but if your not performing your admin duties then you shouldn't stay an admin after a certain point.


That said, I don't think there needs to be a specific time breakdown on how long you should be playing. Just play.

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gart did you ever played dayz, h1z1,csgo or other games that represents uu clan ? 

For myself i love to play the game DayZ with some friends like Patriot/Ben/karmuh/liroyjerkin and other people... BUT Dayz Is still in ALPHA that means there are alot of Buggs/cheaters/glitches/ingame, and they cant fixx it ....So how can i recuit or bring New people to UU website when i see only crap hackers and idiots abusing the game ?! No i cant so i dont play this game right now and thats why im not in teamspeak dayz channel !!!

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