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Website backgrounds


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I want to have a more customizable website so it suits everyone, so if you have any suggestions on nice backgrounds for this website, please post them down below.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I would assume the best resolution would be 1920x1080,  2560x1440 or 3840x2160 ?
here are some I found quite interesting.








Note: should also probably make sure they are not copyrighted. (I did not check that on these pictures) even doe i'm quite sure it doesnt matter due to the fact that we dont profit off their work.


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4 hours ago, Griggs said:


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Note: should also probably make sure they are not copyrighted. (I did not check that on these pictures) even doe i'm quite sure it doesnt matter due to the fact that we dont profit off their work.


The fact that a product is offered and sold through the website, by definition makes it a for profit website; hence subject to copyright infringement laws. Just an fyi.... sorry.

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10 hours ago, xStoner420x said:

The fact that a product is offered and sold through the website, by definition makes it a for profit website; hence subject to copyright infringement laws. Just an fyi.... sorry.

nonono, clearly we dont sell anything, we just get donations.... and if we get a lil donation the donators will get some lil thing in a game, tots no sellling :>

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3 hours ago, Griggs said:

nonono, clearly we dont sell anything, we just get donations.... and if we get a lil donation the donators will get some lil thing in a game, tots no sellling :>

Hhmmm.... Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the current website setup doesn't support your statement. UU has both a Donation page and Store page. No where on the store page does it suggest for a small donation you will receive any of the in game upgrades. Good news is, UU is used as a form of support for the ZAM mod, so it probably doesn't bring in enough revenue to make it susceptible to a lawsuit. Classixz will probably simply receive a Cease and Desist letter. I can assure you I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you, I'm simply trying to protect Classixz and his product that we all enjoy.

BTW, I like the third one Griggs.

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55 minutes ago, xStoner420x said:

Hhmmm.... Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the current website setup doesn't support your statement. UU has both a Donation page and Store page. No where on the store page does it suggest for a small donation you will receive any of the in game upgrades. Good news is, UU is used as a form of support for the ZAM mod, so it probably doesn't bring in enough revenue to make it susceptible to a lawsuit. Classixz will probably simply receive a Cease and Desist letter. I can assure you I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you, I'm simply trying to protect Classixz and his product that we all enjoy.

BTW, I like the third one Griggs.

yeah, i know, it was a joke. _. And yes I know you're just protecting him Stoner :-)


I could also just take photos myself c:

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