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New Limb??


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Ok, so awhile back I remember playing this mod called Roll the Dice Mod. Basically what happened was that each time you spawned in you get a different feature, whether it be changing the way you see things, how fast you moved. One of the "Rolls" that caught my attention was one where a person could shoot and wherever their bullet impacted, they would be teleported to that location. What if we did that in ZAM, for around 1000 points a zombie could buy a teleport limb that moved them to the location it was thrown. Now I what almost everyone is going to be thinking: "too op omg" This type of thing wouldnt be too op, because lets be honest, if someone has 1000 points just lying around as a zombie, its probably from someone hard camping. This would be a method to help suppress hard camping to an extent, and I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to add into the mod. 

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It is a good Idea but too OP,to make it less OP, maybe could use it just 1 time. Or when you threw it and got teleported you get freezed for 2-3 seconds.Then you can move again and try to kill the survivors.

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Well, i do understand that people hard camp, and it does get annoying. So most of the time when zombies save a 1000 points, it is probably because of a try-hard. However, if we do add this, then, zombies will not save 1k points because there is a tryhard. Rather zombies will save their points, because no matter where they survivor is, they can get him/her. Basically any spot. U can simply throw it at the ground right behind the cade, and you will kill them. It will change the way the mod completely works. So we should probably not add it gart. But  something similar that we COULD add, is rather instead of a teleporting limb, maybe with 1200 pts, you can Kill a human with a strong LIMB that can kill them INSTANTLY.

Plus at least Gart introduced an idea, maybe more of UU members should start doing that :yum:

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I was the first to throw up the "too op omg", but I agree with pat that I think it's good to have ideas and we shouldn't shit on him for it. I think it would abused, but i like that your thinking of new ways to balance. Maybe pats idea of a strong limb that 1 hits survivors, or a zombie upgrade that makes you slower but you do twice the damage to cades.. something like that maybe.


either way, gg gart for suggesting new stuff. never be afraid to do that, and i apologize if I started a backlash. :P



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I already suggested a very balanced limb and I talked about it with the UU members, so as you all know if someone has a limb protector you would need 2 limbs to kill them, how ever if you'd get a "headshot" with ur limb it would be an instant kill (this is for peaple who really think they are good limbers). Small risk, High reward!

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