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ZAM 2.3.0: Long awaited "rigged zombie pick" added. Players who became first infected will not be picked the next game. Rejoining will clear you from the list and you will have a possibility to be infected. New players will not be picked since most of them die kind of easy anyways. Fixed a bug on Nuketown where some bunkers would look glitchy with missing barricades. Removed unused out of map spot at Summit. Added Villa by Nagini. Remade the head icon system since it would load multiple times for P2P & Staff. Added new head icons for Platinum and Premium players.
This thread will be used for updates regarding maps for ZAM. Download the bunker mod here: Submit maps or individual bunkers here (post screenshots):
Reduced damage on ther STG-44 Players will no longer be able to cade during the first minute in-game. A maximum of 50 cades can be placed by a player. This update will be live within 30 minutes of this post. Please use this thread to provide feedback on these updates so that I know if I should reduce the limits or make them higher. Suggestions from @Emberino & @^◡^っ✂╰⋃
ZAM 2.0 Changelog: New ZAM Project started up, transferring ZAM’s main functions and recreated the structure. Fixed weapon name typo: Scorpion > Skorpion New HUD. Survivors and Zombies got their own separate HUD. Controller (XBOX) HUD support added. New Muzzle Flash for custom ZAM weapons. Perks rebuyable after RTD roll that takes your perks away. Fixed a bug were zombies could pick up frags when they had a limb. Gametype is no longer visible in the in-game HUD. Gametype is no longer shown on the loadingscreen. ZAM Settings menu added. FOV Slider for both ADS and Viewmodel FOV added. Optimizing settings added such as maxpackets and snaps added to ZAM Settings menu. Ability to turn the in-game chat off added in ZAM Settings Ability to turn off the sun added n ZAM Settings. New “Free” cade skin added. New “MVP/VIP” cade skin added. New “Bunker” cade skin added. More weapon variety added for Platinum players. Killstreaks earned/bought will no longer be given directly to you. You have to activate it to use it. You will no longer switch out to the camera spike after purchase. Graphic Settings can be edited while in-game. Sounds has been optimized, unused sounds have been removed and a new structure has been made. Nuketown Easter Egg updated. Small changes on the Array Easter Egg. Two new Easter Eggs added. Fixed a lot of typos. New Mainmenu song added. Some music added. Reload sounds added for M40a3, R700, Desert Eagle and a lot of other weapons. Cade Streaks has been redone. Killstreaks has been redone. Added Knife streaks Added “Fast Knife Streaks”-challenges Zombies will be limited to 300 HP as long as there isn’t people that is camping. Zombies will now get 100 points for killing a dog. Zombie killstreaks added. Zombie death streaks redone. Hijack satellite text removed. Bunkers for DLC maps added. Special Zombies reworked. Bowie and Knuckles now got the same price. Fixed a double message that were shown when zombies got a free limb R700 Killfeed icon size fixed. Sentry gun limit has been removed. MP40 is back. Variants added. Sten variants added. Ability to not have any player skin added. (You will be assigned the default black ops skin) Voices added. Meltdown rework. You will now get your rank instead of only getting MVP. Classes that you don’t have access to will be blacked out. Fixed a bug were “free” players would have fall damage. Added points earned/spent to the stats shown at the credits. Optimized the zombie/survivor counter used for the RQ log. Changed the “Leave Game” menu to be different for the survivors and zombies. Random Map vote has been added. 5% chance of being able to vote on party games added. All kinds of limbs now got a blood trail. Knife Camos added. Weapon Camos added. Players no longer have to hold the Desert Eagle or B23r in order to upgrade them. Fixed Reload Empty animation on the Peacekeeper. FPSBoost reworked. Fixed a bug where knife challenges were shown for zombies. Fixed a bug where you would get knife challenges completed with dog kills. Changed a lot of weapon damages. Fixed a bug where survivors would not switch over to zombies when killed. Fast Sprint has been reworked. Fixed a client crash when changed the refresh rate while in-game. “P” point indicator will no longer be shown in the messages on screen. Increased the radius on freeze traps. Decreased the radius on mines. Increased radius on hell zombies. Fixed a message saying that you already got hell zombie. PSG1 IR has been changed to PSG1 Acog Added a UI fix for a green compass being displayed on the screen. Flash class removed due to its lack of use. Stroke of Daylight has been added to Declassified. Stoner63 removed from Declassified. Jetpack Fuel will be shown under “Cades Placed” instead of being in the middle of the screen. Time limit removed on the death machine. Ammo cannot be bought for the death machine. Theater optimized. Fileshare added to the mainmenu. Adapt Recharge time has been increased. Bots will now have a random player skin. Fixed a bug where players would stay as survivors 1 second after they got picked as a zombie. Fixed random weapon message being displayed to all players Limited ADS Fov to Min 10, Max 60 Fixed a bug where the wrong variables got added for the vote system Fixed a double message on Roll the Dice Fixed a bug when no one voted and ZAM got stuck. Fixed a barricade bug when they didn’t spawn like they used to. Optimized the spawning of strong barricades. Fixed Roll the Dice rolls that made the shop freeze. UndeadUprising Icon added to the main menu. Added Arlington death barrier to firing range Various weapons changed in the shop. Various Item price changes. This changelog only contains the changes that would be of most interest. 140 changes made in the ZAM core has not been listed and things soon to come/easter eggs updates have been left out. 2.0 main focus has been optimization. Files size reference: Files: Version: Size Client 1.9 59,4 MB Client 2.0 100 MB Server 1.9 4,26 MB Server 2.0 3,59 MB Server files has been optimized and should provide better stability for ZAM. Please report any bug that you find in ZAM 2.0.
Remake of the "RQ Log", it will include more helpful information for the staff team. (Such as kills as hunter and if they are new to the server.) RQ Log that is saved on each player will now display the map they rage quitted on. This system is also updated and got the key changes from the RQ log. Prism's API server has been successfully moved over to a faster server. B3 has been updated to version 1.10.11. A red exclamation mark will be shown on the minimap where a new player is. Base for the new stats system. The sever currently keeps track of class & skin picked, barricades, items, special items & weapons bought. etc. A preview of it can be seen here: New Firing Range bunker Probably something else that I forgot to write down, there was a lot of bug fixes just before the server event.
- 6
(and 1 more)
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ZAM 19.0.8 +Stroke of Daylight at ZAM Arena *New and better spawn locations, no more spawns inside Nuketown *Arlington, Meltdown, Wizard TP & Disapparation will be disabled at ZAM Arena. +Teamwork required to complete the Nuketown easter egg +Overall improvements for the Nuketown easter egg. W.I.P - A fort and tower for ZAM Arena.
ZAM 19.0.7: +A lot of Arlington spots patched. +New Jungle, Nuketown & WMD + New spot on Array. *Nuketown Easter Egg simplified. +ZAM ARENA. *Flakjacket now displays the correct price *Source Code Optimization.
Character meanings: "+" - This has been added. "-" - This has been removed. "*" - This has been fixed/modified. Classes: - Resurrect - Jedi + Gatekeeper [Free] UI: + Help for new players > Skins: * Fixed bug allowing any skin to use Jetpack. b3: + New commands: !newplayer or !np + New players that connect will get the welcome screen. Other: + Estima now has Estima camo + B23r added to Free, VIP and MVP
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