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Vote for Deagle/M40a3.


Desert Eagle  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Wich Desert Eagle?

    • Current deagle (Same Sound)
    • Current deagle (COD4 Sound)
  2. 2. Wich M40a3?

    • Current M40a3 (Same sound)
    • Current M40a3 (COD4 Sound)
    • Black and White Version of M40a3 (Current M40a3 sound)
    • Black and White Version of M40a3 (COD4 Sounds)

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Technically It's Ext's deagle i think :P and we have the same deagle, the only differences are that their worldmodel is a bit different, not much, they have CoD4 Sound, we have currently still have another games sound, and last their text on the name is blue :)

And wait, in killfeed it shows as CZ75 when killing someone in zem, on zam It's a pure deagle :)

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1.5 Got Deagle whit COD4 sounds, M40a3 whit COD4 sounds.

The current sound sounds alot better then the COD4 one.

As this is just bullshit i have changed the poll.

Well, The ZeM Desert Eagle has no recoil at all, and great accuracy, but the reload and sounds are just messed up.

ZeM's Deagle has better recoil/accuracy

ZaM's Deagle has more recoil/accuracy.

and besides, wouldn't that be copying from ZeM?

Its the exact same deagle from EXT. They just made a blue text on it.

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