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You Sir, just got trolled.

AIR I Echo

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So i decided to troll some people cause I was bored, and my target was "Iamindy33".

Hope you like it :'3

AIR | Echo: I created a post to make you moderator, and the administrators said yes and there thinking about it

AIR | Echo: http://undeaduprisin...m/34-zam-staff/

AIR | Echo: you'll be taking de/mindblasts place

AIR | Echo: as mod in US

iamindy33 is now Online.

iamindy33: Waaaat

AIR | Echo: you happy?

iamindy33: -.- blocked by paasword

AIR | Echo: LOL

AIR | Echo: i thought it would work for you

iamindy33: Me can only go in members

AIR | Echo: well

AIR | Echo: the post has 6 comments

iamindy33: Wat other comments say

AIR | Echo: oh the staff were saying positive comments

iamindy33: (/.-) jeez

AIR | Echo: idek=idick

AIR | Echo: i know your ready

iamindy33 is now Online.

iamindy33: I don't know shit about modding

iamindy33: Either

AIR | Echo: modding?

iamindy33: Well

AIR | Echo: theres called a friend (Echo) and theres !help

iamindy33: I meant other modding shit, I didn't know if you did that to

iamindy33: But no space

iamindy33: No exclamation

iamindy33: No p

iamindy33: !lookup

AIR | Echo: lolqut

AIR | Echo: ?

AIR | Echo: yeah

iamindy33: Fai

AIR | Echo: OOOH

AIR | Echo: you know

AIR | Echo: i might be able to set a whole new keyboard for you

iamindy33: Go on

AIR | Echo: im an expert at macros

iamindy33: At who

iamindy33: :P

AIR | Echo: i can type up a keyboard macro for you

AIR | Echo: so it will actually work like one

iamindy33: Wats macro

AIR | Echo: i press "u"

iamindy33: See me noob

AIR | Echo: then i shoot rapidly

iamindy33: Ohhh that

iamindy33: Cheate

iamindy33: R

AIR | Echo: not a cheat

iamindy33: Me need knife hax for eu server>_>

AIR | Echo: lol

AIR | Echo: my hacks are so good in macros

iamindy33: Can't stand that shit!

AIR | Echo: ?

iamindy33: Ugh

iamindy33: I be back on tonight or this weekend

iamindy33: Killing my iPod battery

AIR | Echo: bish

AIR | Echo: get your PC

iamindy33: I have no charger

AIR | Echo: im trying to get you mo

AIR | Echo: d

iamindy33: .

iamindy33: .

iamindy33: ...

iamindy33: ..

iamindy33: ....

iamindy33: F

iamindy33: U

iamindy33: Ck

iamindy33: Off

iamindy33: Iw as going to say something on the site

AIR | Echo: what were you going to say

iamindy33: Graph

iamindy33: *gtfo

iamindy33: Graph wtf


iamindy33: Wait is the post real or not

AIR | Echo: http://undeaduprisin...m/34-zam-staff/

AIR | Echo: yes

iamindy33: Well I can't read it/:

AIR | Echo: well i have no clue what the password is

AIR | Echo: since once i got in

AIR | Echo: i automaticly can visit

iamindy33: Lol

AIR | Echo: just like you can go into the members section without a password

iamindy33: Me talk to class

AIR | Echo: ?

AIR | Echo: about what

iamindy33: Or idk

iamindy33: Me think about it

AIR | Echo: about WHAT?

iamindy33: Gotta go out to eat

iamindy33: Mod

AIR | Echo: your going now?

iamindy33: Me wanna make gameplays

iamindy33: And maps

AIR | Echo: oh guess what

AIR | Echo: you sir, just got trolled by the master Troller. :lol2:

AIR | Echo: uMad?

AIR | Echo: hello?

iamindy33 is now Offline.

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What was the trolling? living him a link with password when he cant get access? wot? xD

AIR | Echo: I created a post to make you moderator, and the administrators said yes and there thinking about it

AIR | Echo: http://undeaduprisin...m/34-zam-staff/

so I tricked Iamindy33 that he's going to get moderator status, but only moderators/staff can access that link so i tricked him that there was a post of getting him moderator there :P

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