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Best Cade Limb You Ever Had???


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then raise the price to 300 and let it destroy 10, or take it to the next level for 600 and let it destroy as many as it can

600pts for all? Should be 1800pts then...

I say keep them the same they are. It takes skill to know how to make the cade limbs deflect and destroy more than one cade. Definitely makes the zombie aspect of the game more balanced, because they don't have to get in the line of fire to destroy the cades.

There are two easy methods that allow you to destroy all barricades with just one cade-breaking-limb. I know this, I did it myself. Not revealing how to the public.

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Indy I tried to understand your post, but failed to. Please use proper grammar next time :/

TRANSLATION: Ramsy, I meant the current cade-limb should cost 600pts and there should be one that destroys only one barricade and costs 100pts.

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