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Fun facts about ZAM!


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Here is a topic about some fun facts about ZaM.

1. The smiley "xD" has been written 53.106 times and counting.

2. On the european server there has been 42.233 rage quits since January 12th and on the American server it's been 42.691 rage quits and counting.

3. 33.083 players and counting have played on the ZAM servers.

4. On ZAM US There were a total of 753 unique connections in the last 7 days.

5. On ZAM EU There were a total of 974 unique connections in the last 7 days.

6. ZAM EU got most active German players.

7. ZAM US got most active United States players.

8. ZAM EU got over 140 players that regulary plays every day.

9. ZAM US got over 132 players that regulary plays every day.

10. The Staff team of ZAM is 16 people.

11. ZAM US got most active noticers with 1409 Notices.

12. ZAM EU got 784 Notices.

13. Our admins on ZAM have banned 2952 players. (1806 on US & 1146 on EU)

14. Our moderators & admins on ZAM have kicked 2246 players. (1243 on US & 1003 on EU)

15. The most used weapon in ZAM is the Knife.

16. The map with most kills in ZAM is Cracked.

17. 9.270.886 Players have died on ZAM.

18. FrOzEn | ManieK/mariomaniek & |MFUD| pro_-Ninj/pro_-Ninjaabe are the most banned players in ZAM.

19. 159 players have been kicked due to unauthorized [uU] Tag.

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Here is a topic about some fun facts about ZaM.

19. 159 players have been kicked due to unauthorized [uU] Tag.

thats mostly me -_- kex no add permission to have UU in my clantag, but the thing is, he set it so my clantag will always be UU when i join... so then i get kicked
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These are like the best facts I've ever seen in my entire life, even though I fit in most of these categories. But wouldn't it have been better to put most of these facts together into 1 fact instead of 2 facts like for example, ZAM US got most active noticers with 1409 Notices, and ZAM EU got 784 Notices. I'm just sayin Griggs.

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