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Personal opinion on some staff members


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NOTE: This is not a thread meant for complaining. I am making this to express what I feel and see in certain members of the UU staff team, what they can do to improve, etc... It'll include both personal and professional criticism (not just the bad kind).


@AIR I Echo | Echo - A real beast with a sniper rifle, all I can say. Definitely a fundimental member of the staff team when it comes to website work and giving out creative ideas. There is just one thing that I can't get the grasp of - I get that you sometimes downvote (dislike) certain posts, but some that you do that on, idk why you do it, and it would be good to at least get a better definition on your standpoint.


@iamindy33 - One of the most active admins, without a doubt. Definitely fun to be around and even better (for me, personally) because he spends most of his game time on the EU server and deals with his lag and ping. Rarely ever rages straightforwardly at someone, but never cries, that's for sure. All I can say is - try not to say the word "nig*a" or "nig**r" so many times in-game or on the website and pace yourself when issuing notices/warns/kicks/bans in-game (you are sometimes kinda slow).


@ViiRuS_iQuicKZ You have without-a-doubt improved in both character development and as a staff member since our previous "incidents" (water under the bridge). Definitely a viable staff member that does most of the website work solo (gives out some of the most constructive feedback on all things). Not much to say on what you could improve on. There is just one thing that I personally find irritating sometimes - it's when you repeat the ! and ? symbols sometimes (not a big deal though).

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A bug with the website: I sometimes cannot edit my posts (when I click on 'Edit' it just either freezes or does nothing).



What do you mean? Up votes and down votes mean what they mean right. I agree/like or disagree/dislike.


but still thanks <3

Because of the bug mentioned above, I can't do anything aside from continuing my post about you here (this is what comes after what I already said):


For example, certain posts that are responses to other people's opinions and matters get downvoted by you, and that's okay, because those posts can be expressions of one's idea or standpoint on a given matter, but certain responses are more like random messages and you do the same with those. Like I said, it's not even a thing to worry about though, just my view is expressed here.

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