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New Clan IDEA.....UU-T


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UU-T Hi Classixz I just think about a new clan calls UU-T=mean UU-Tomahawk I want if that clan will be exist People will have:2 tomahawks, Normal Big tomahawk in Hands if it's posible (like in compaing mission),And MP5K with (rapide fire) and (any camo you gave it) When people gonna try to apply for it question will be "What is your tomahawk throwing skill?" Of course I will try to find good guys that gonna help me with that, I need your help as well the normal apply will looks like this:

In game name:ZAMplayer
BO XUID:000000000000000000
Birth date:1/1/1111
Contry:United ZAM
Most server played: ANY EU OR USA
What is your tomahawk throwing skill?:0/10
Tell us about you:lalalal ZAM the best
That's it hope you contact me back if you like this IDEA
NOTE:You can change some things like you want


                                                           That is my own IDEA

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