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15 years old.


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Hello guys! Today is my birthday. And I am getting 15 years old, whats actually makes me happy because I just understand that I can play ZAM and write this topic on the website and insted of everyone hates me I still love all of you guys because you are my second family and thanks for yours replies.


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Cuz the food is awesome in america ? :D

The food in america is unheaalthy, the vegetables and fruits are gen manipulated.... (I don't want to say anything against USA)

I saw that in a documentation, maybe it was not everywhere like it was there, but Relow the food isn't awesome in america.

@ReLoW--- ich meins ernst in Deutschland ist das Essen gesünder(besser)


I hope I didn't offend any of you guys life in USA, but that is my oppinion about it.

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