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Banned Apeal: Adeus


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Hey guys,

My son got banned from the servers. The reason given, is using a clan tag when not in the clan; however when he spoke to an Admin they said it was for glitching.

I've had a discussion with him about glitching and not to do it. Could you or would you please unban him from the servers eu and us. It's summer break for another month for him, and he's driving my wife crazy... which in turn is driving me crazy.

Thanks for your understanding and time invested in reading this.

~The real Adeus

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It depends what the admins think about this sir. He knows that he is really sorry for what he did, but I think he thought it was for availiable-as in it was free for everyone. And I also saw on the recent bans that it says "Appeal at website for unban." So maybe this might be a great chance for your son to come back. Just wait sir you will get help ASAP.

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  • Founder

You have been permanently banned for insulting admins twice + Breaking rules, crying about your little punishment on 3 days, no more talk about this or you will be banned on the website as well.

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