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not sure what this is, with Bluebird


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ok, so i got a msg from indy telling me to talk to this girl and see where it goes.. obviously i dont have indy's professional chick magnet skills but this is how it went. its long as F but worth it:




Bluebird: hey ^^
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: what
Bluebird: how are you doing?
Bluebird: i see you like pewdiepie
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: watching with Girl Gamers
Bluebird: nice, so do you game?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yes
Bluebird: cool, what games do you play?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: dota 2
Bluebird: is it fun? i wanted to get it but dint feel like it
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: why
Bluebird: i dont know, i dont have friends who play it
Bluebird: so i never knew if it was fun ^^
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yes so very fun
Bluebird: well thats good to know :) thanks for feedback
Bluebird: you watch pewds? i do to
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: my favorite ones are the 5 weird stuff online
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah so funny
Bluebird: sure are
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: did you have a work ?
Bluebird: what do you mean work?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: any work like police ?
Bluebird: oh, i dont work yet but im gona start this summer :)
Bluebird: talk me a little bit about you, whats youre age?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: 16 years old
Bluebird: interesting, im 15 turning 16 in june ;)
Bluebird: where are you from? im from kanada
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: canada
Bluebird: you to!
Bluebird: what part?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: New Brunswick
Bluebird: ah thats not to far, im form ontario
Bluebird: canada is such a nice place
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: we have putine,maple sirup,bacon
Bluebird: USA main animal is a eagle, us its like a duck.. canada animals way more powerful
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah ^^
Bluebird: :), so waht do you like in life, do you paly any sports?
Bluebird: play*
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: pingpong is my best sports
Bluebird: i agree, its so fun
Bluebird: but i personally like soccer most
Bluebird: do you play any call of duty?
Bluebird: or first person shooter
Bluebird: they are the best
Bluebird: damn is that you in the profile pic
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: why
Bluebird: just wondering, you are really pretty :)
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: thanks ^^
Bluebird: anytime ;) you should consider joining a clan,group
Bluebird: best way to make friends
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: my clan UU if probably the most frendly clan ever
Bluebird: we have a bunch of good people
Bluebird: i mean i knokw canadians are nice but they are all still nice like me
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: hhmm...
Bluebird: would you like to see our webiste?
Bluebird: theres a apply button i could introduce you to the guys :)
Bluebird: really nice people
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: www.undeaduprising.net
Bluebird: we play alot of blackops,gta,dayz,csgo
Bluebird: nice people ^^
Bluebird: when you get in make an account and youre good to go :)
Bluebird: do you have a mic?
Bluebird: you could talk to us :)
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: i dont have a mic
Bluebird: ah thats sucks :/ i dont know if you know what it is but we hang out in teamspeak
Bluebird: we can all talk to each other with mic
Bluebird: but i swear, our community is the best.. we have alot of gingers tougth but that dosent matter.
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: theres that guy called iamindy33
Bluebird: hes the community manager
Bluebird: hes always ready to help new people
Bluebird: so have you checked the website?
Bluebird: ill be honnest when i joined the clan i barelly knew anyone, but now its hard to goaway from such nice people ;_;
Bluebird: do you have instagram?
Bluebird: say something im giving up on you
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: no
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: FB
Bluebird: i have FB to
Bluebird: i dint even asked! whats youre real name?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: Jane S. Flores
Bluebird: thats a pretty name
Bluebird: im Alex G. Marcil
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: nice to meet you  Alex G. Marcil
Bluebird: nice to meet you Jane S. Flores
Bluebird: not alot of girl gamers does days
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: so have you apply on website?
Bluebird: pls say yas or im gona cri ;_;
Bluebird: theres one thing missing in our community to make it perfect
Bluebird: *you
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yes
Bluebird: how do you find it?
Bluebird: cool website
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: loading -_-
Bluebird: all the people with UU in there name are part of the clan
Bluebird: like you see my profile pic?
Bluebird: all people with that are part of clan :)
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah i see
Bluebird: you could be one of us ;)
Bluebird: as i said its best way to make friends ^^
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: im gonna sleep
Bluebird: oh no :(
Bluebird: i miss you already
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: really ^^
Bluebird: i do, its so fun to talk and make new friends
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: and why would you go to sleep at 10 AM xD?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: im so busy last night ^^
Bluebird: oh i see, you were working?
Bluebird: work all day everyday
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: someday
Bluebird: whats youre work
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: police
Bluebird: youre a police..?
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yes
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: police women ^^
Bluebird: nice, dint knew you could be police at 16
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: training before i enter the police ^^
Bluebird: tahts cool
Bluebird: police gamers
Bluebird: dont see that everyday
Bluebird: you are unique ^^
Bluebird: i love that
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: thanks ^^
Bluebird: actually when i have the age
Bluebird: i wanna be a police
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: just focus of your studies
Bluebird: i love jobs that have actions
Bluebird: i love moving
Bluebird: well im gona go now, hopefully we cna talk later
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: ok2 bye ^^
Bluebird: bb <3
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: ^^ hhmm...
Bluebird: lol
Bluebird: for my a hearth = friend
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: hhhmmm...
Bluebird: kden ;_; i guess you dont like me
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: because you are greedy ^^
Bluebird: what does that mean?
Bluebird: im french :P
Bluebird: dont understand every word
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: im understand why
Bluebird: im not best in english but i know that sentence dosent make sence
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: yeah
Bluebird: you say yeah alot
<font face="snap itc">PewDiePie: because im tard -_-
Bluebird: yeah
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talked about pewds but not my channel -1, plays dota 2 -1, plays ping pong +2, shitted on americas bird -1, under 18 -2, described the clan fairly well +1, no facebook links provided -1, she's gonna be a cop idk if thats gonna be a good or bad thing so +0, she likes late nights +1

so all in all


hehe, i need practice il get better x)
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