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Mohammed Drawing Contest

I have decided to sponsor a new contest. The contest involves drawing a picture of Mohammed in any game of your choosing. Simply use any tool or weapon available in that game to draw a portrait and submit it for a vote. Any contestant wishing to stay anonymous, can PM me the screen shot and I will post it for a vote. No edited pics please.

The winner will receive a $50 gift card

Good luck.

P.S. Anyone whom wishes to express how offended they are, keep one thing in mind. You have the right to feel offended, but you do not have the right to control free speech.

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Mohammed.... one of the most common names...  are we talking Mohammed Ali?  The prophet Mohammed?

Take a lucky guess.


Actually, I'll leave it to the contestant's own imagination. Any Mohammed you wish to draw.

Edited by xStoner420x
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The point of this contest is the expression of ones' fundamental right of free speech. What is sad is how this basic right is slowly being eroded away one word / phrase at a time; yet it's seen as not being that big of a deal. The founding fathers of the United States of America, didn't assign this right to the 2nd Amendment, 3rd Amendment, 4th Amendment, nor the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th...... in The Bill of Right. No, they saw fit that it be the 1ST AMENDMENT, because when citizens lose their right to speak out, all the other rights don't mean shit. Think of all the people who died supporting that very right, then think of all the people who died because they didn't have that right. If we allow a political ideology (disguised as a religion) to control what we can and can’t do, then where will it end? Today it’s drawing a picture of Mohammed. Tomorrow it could be the selling of bacon in grocery stores or (something that will hit close to home for us gamers), what if they decided one day to ban the development or playing of video games like COD, because they depict the killing of middle easterners? If you get offended, then draw a picture of Mohammed Ali.

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xd na but not being serious, also true what kev pointed out.

But cmonnn just a bit of banter, its like someone says jesus is a fuck, i cant care less :s

That is the entire point... usually when a civilized person gets offended, they distance themselves from the situation or decide never to watch a particular show or movie again. When muslim extremist get offended, they cut your head off. Notice I said muslim EXTREMEIST, not ALL muslims. I have many muslim friends and guess what, they're not cutting anyones head off.

Now, on with the contest.

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recruit for uuk pls



If anybody doesn't want to participate in drawing muhammad perhaps they can still have some fun and draw a picture shitting on me, I wouldn't mind at all because this contest is like myxa said just a bit of banter


Careful, this can be arranged. >:3

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Muhammad getting his lunge on in Black Ops. 





Would this qualify? :D

Absolutely... Although the original rules stated it having to be drawn in game by whatever means possible. Good submission.

(Is it just me or does Mohammed in this submission sort of resemble John Travolta in the movie Urban Cowboy?)

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