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ZAM 1.9.04


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This update includes: Bugfixes & new stuff.

* Fixes for Arlington spots on Array.

* C3 fix on Array.

- Winter Removed.

+ Old Barricades are now back

+ Pick-A-Class system added. > https://undeaduprising.net/forums/index.php?/topic/5425-normal-class/&do=findComment&comment=36185

- UU-K In-Game loadout removed.

- UU-S In-Game loadout removed.

(Everything might not be listed.)


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To all UU-S and fellow UU-K members:

The loadouts were too OP. There really isn't any arguement you can make against that. And dropping the UU-K and UU-S tags makes us a stronger clan, united under the UU tag. We aren't pushing anyone out, we're just taking actions that need to be taken. This puts everyone on a level field.


Those are my thoughts at least.


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22 hours ago, stlmokevin said:

To all UU-S and fellow UU-K members:

The loadouts were too OP. There really isn't any arguement you can make against that. And dropping the UU-K and UU-S tags makes us a stronger clan, united under the UU tag. We aren't pushing anyone out, we're just taking actions that need to be taken. This puts everyone on a level field.


Those are my thoughts at least.


As kevin stated, they were to OP, But to everyone out there who thought they were worthy of UU-K or UU-S there is no reason to give up.... If you think you were good enough for it then you dont need the class, and same for people who were in.

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1 hour ago, Classixz said:

If they indeed only played for the class we will see a lot of people leaving the subdivisions, some doesn't even check the website so they will never see this.

That's True! this is a big Reason. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't too sure where to put this comment of mine so I might as well put it here I guess.

I'm not sure if anybody else has noticed what I've been noticing lately.


I drew a box around it so it would easier for you guys to notice what I've been noticing. What I've noticed is how it says "Version 19.0.4." Instead it should say "Version" There's no way we could have gone to "Version 19.0.4" that quickly. I know you can fix this, @Classixz. No problem for showing you this.

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12 hours ago, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

I wasn't too sure where to put this comment of mine so I might as well put it here I guess.

I'm not sure if anybody else has noticed what I've been noticing lately.


I drew a box around it so it would easier for you guys to notice what I've been noticing. What I've noticed is how it says "Version 19.0.4." Instead it should say "Version" There's no way we could have gone to "Version 19.0.4" that quickly. I know you can fix this, @classixz_name_1.png. No problem for showing you this.

We've noticed that you've noticed and I'm sure Classixz will notice your notice.

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