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I don't know if you're asking a question, or you think there should be a report format, but, if you don't know the report format is in front of the report players page you'll see he/she did what all that stuff, just copy and paste it onto a topic thread you create. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question, (I'm new to the forums.)

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I've made a tutorial on how to report players. Here's the link -

But sometime later in the month or next month I'll be making an updated tutorial version on how to report players.


On 1/18/2016 at 3:55 PM, Not Madara said:

I don't know if you're asking a question, or you think there should be a report format, but, if you don't know the report format is in front of the report players page you'll see he/she did what all that stuff, just copy and paste it onto a topic thread you create. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question, (I'm new to the forums.)

You don't need to feel sorry. I understand that you are still new to the forums but you did your best to help out another new website user.

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