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After having play ZEM, I found some concepts very interesting, and i'd like to propose some of them to improve ZAM.

 1) The variety of zombies : with return of the tank zombie ( which get like 3000 hp but is very very slow ), and the invisible zombie, which u can see but with more difficulty, or also the healter zombie which heals zombies around him.

 2) Possibility to improve a weapon : you buy a gun in the shop class, then you can get improves for it, first improve is for exemple dual mag, then red dot etc.. ( something like 4 or 5 upgrades )

 3) Which is in my opinion the most interesting concept : the gun&knife mod, which appears randonmly on some map on ZEM. In this mod, hunters aren't allow to put barricades and get some HP. So could be added in zam at the moment of the vote for restart or nextmap an option for this mod, that would make ZAM more diversified. Maybe for this option won't be abused it could not always appears in the vote.


The idea is not to copy ZEM, but just to get inspiration of what they created to make ZAM better.


Edited by Griggs
you're allowed to say ZEM ... geez
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I see zem hase t changed because i remember everything you mention here, i mean i csme up eith the invisible and healing zombie so since i created them i still love the idea but i dont think we should change anything similar to zem, maybe change stuf here and there nothing is perfect but lets not do what zem did because that community is ded :) but anyways good toughts

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I'm not sure how I feel about taking ideas from ZEM, but I do agree that we need some expansion on the zombie side of things. I think it would work well with the addition of new classes and skins, maybe add something in to make zombies cooler

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IMO I liked ZEM for nearly all of those things, but idk why but I always hated the different zombies, ( the ones that give buffs and debuts at the same time) but I did really enjoy the run and gun, it was a really fun way of playing the mod, and I reckon to implement that's into ZAM would be very cool. 

Run and gun map: if this becomes a thing, it can't be for a map, I think having it for a vote on different maps, eg for Nuketown, Jungle, Firing Range, and a couple more would make it better. Not available for all maps, but for some would be awesome.

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lol higher score limits and 20min games and now this, why is zam trying to get turned back to zem.

This has been brought directly to classixz before and his response was "why would we want to be like zem".

Now it doesn't have to be that way, I'm sure if somebody came up with a legit more "original" run and gun game type, (Ramsey had tkem) classixz might gladly make it and maybe even try to incorporate into zam.

Alao, one way it could be incorporated in, Indy suggested in the past, is having a 2nd nuketown in the rotation (maybe after array or smth) for something like this, a special game type.  Than it would go back to the normal rotation and the nuke after launch would be normal.  Would see if people like it and go on from there

Edited by Deaddude66
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maby litterly make some kind of parkour map. 2 players start as zombie and others do the  jumps , litterly make a RUN and JUMP map. but there woudelt be enhouf place for that?

let me know wath you think? its a short idea. noting yet sketched out. array would be a greath map to do this on .

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9 hours ago, TheSinEater said:

maby litterly make some kind of parkour map. 2 players start as zombie and others do the  jumps , litterly make a RUN and JUMP map. but there woudelt be enhouf place for that?

let me know wath you think? its a short idea. noting yet sketched out. array would be a greath map to do this on .

what the fuck? ;_;





run and gun is actually amaizing but then we shoulda get special class for everyone...i mean just 1 class when its run and gun for everyoe.... u can buy bowie knife or normal ballistics....it woulda be great for NON vip and for VIP/MVP players and make prices like 1000 for ninja nad 1200 for bowie? so it wont be to OP and it wont be shit...

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