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New Run and Gun mode


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Oi mates, quick synopsis of an idea-

Their was some talk about Run and Gun game modes, so Indy sorta got an idea cuz well what else do youi do on a long car ride.  But this is very sketchy atm because well Indy forgot some of it and it wasn't all planned out to begin with. SO lets try and see if wwe can't figure some of this out.


Basically players love being the last survivor alive with all the zombies chasing them right>?  So trying to recreate this is the goal, so it was going to be called the indy challenge to feed the ego but than awhile ago indy had that "master survivor challenge" so maybe thats what it could be called or whatever the fuck, can be named later.

1 vs all in zam can be difficult to survive for more than 30 seconds because well a lot of reasons so I figure survivors need to have hp, they would start with the following

-500 hp(5 hits)

- a deagle or whatever pistol somebody would want to knife with

- a knife, not sure which one yet maybe choosable

-and a sniper also again maybe can choose which

And well thats about it to start, camping woundn't be allowed their is a number of ways to prevent this but cading should be allowed because survivors can use them in many ways to evade zombies.  Their would also be a custom dank shop for survivors with stuff like adapt and buyable hp.

Now even with all this it would be tough for some "less experienced players" to even put up a fight against a hoard of zombies so I figure only a few zombies would spawn in at the start and than more would spawn in later on.

Zombie shop would basically be as it is in zam maybe something special

This would take place on nuketwon so just picture yourself running for your life there k.

This is where you can stop reading if you don't really give a care the rest is going to go more into details.


The following are problems or things that haven't been figured out or may need to sorta be tested.

-So like stated already "1vsAll" is cool but Im not sure how that would work with a full server of 24 players and also a server with just 2 so not sure how the time would work out o0

-should there be teams if the server is full, 2 vs all? 3 vs all? can you choose your teammates?

-500 hp for survivors with 1 zombie knife taking away 100, a limb takes away 200?

-Price to buy back 100 hp be 1000?

-Should survivors be able to buy more than 500hp

-What should the zombies hp be? They should always be 1 hit snipe or knife i think but they shouldn't always get sprayed down by a deag, so like 250?

-How many zombies should start at the beginning, 4?

- I thought it would be cool if those who aren't playing as a zombie or survivor instead of wathcing in like spectate mode or something they could fly above the map on top of the height limit if anyone flew around in noclip they know what I mean.  Just give them something to do.

-What would the zombies get for killing a survivor?


Their is probably way more things that need to be figured out but I just can't remember atm, would love to see actual responses with ideas or thoughts about this


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  On 5/30/2016 at 8:44 PM, NMAPLE12 said:

 "traitor" not "betrayer" and why do you not like this idea k9?


because ZAM is ZAM not ZEM and its the zombies role to have hp thats why we have 500hp knifes so we dont need to have hp.

And anyways what if u were camping huh you would be OP as hell and in the next update you will be fixed for Eg gart.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 8:30 PM, ZoMbieK9 said:

#HENEEDSOMEMILK this is ZEM stuff and its shit.

If u want that to happen go play ZEM betrayer.


Zem and ZAM are nothing alike and never will be. So just because someone introduces an idea it does not make it "ZEM". The opposite actually, it gives us a chance to make the mod better, make it more fun, more interesting, more enjoyable. Instead of opposing ideas, you should rather be open to ideas, everyone should make ideas like this, and the good ideas should be implemented into the mod, like this one. And @ZoMbieK9 if you have have an idea, then that is great, POST it, because we need ideas! 

Anyway, I actually really like this idea. I think it should be something that should be used only every once in a while. For example when there is an event, special occasions--there should be a command like !gamemode ###, then after it ends it automatically goes back to normal ZAM, something like only head admins+ can use.

Right now it is towards the end of school, and there are bunch of finals, so that is why ZAM has not been so active, once those finals finish, hopefully it POPS back on and we Eat them brainz. So if @Classixz decides to code this thing, or give it shot, it should first be used for a VIP/MVP/SKIN event. There could be like 10 rounds or I guess we will see how it goes.

and Yes there could be many things that could be added to this game mode, and once more ideas come to my mind, i'd be sure to post them. As for now, I think it should be sort of like normal ZAM (Zombies attack survivals, until 1 is left) Once that 1 person is left, the challenge starts. (OR when there are 5 Humans/Survivals left, 3 should randomly die, and the other 2 fight for the last person).
I agree, the last survival should be able to cade, so he/she can block doors behind them, etc...But here is what cading should be like: You can ONLY put 2 cades every 15 seconds. That way people wont be able to camp with them (I mean even if the cading is normal, people normally would not camp with them anyway, cuz it is an event, or an unusual gamemod). 

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  On 5/30/2016 at 9:09 PM, ZoMbieK9 said:

because ZAM is ZAM not ZEM and its the zombies role to have hp thats why we have 500hp knifes so we dont need to have hp.

And anyways what if u were camping huh you would be OP as hell and in the next update you will be fixed for Eg gart.


OMG ZEM HAS CADES ZAM SHOULDN'T HAVE CADES CAMPING IS BAD, Im already op as hell while camping so stfu this is a different game mode your logic is flawed you twat

  On 5/30/2016 at 11:31 PM, Bluebird said:

indy.. i dont understand why you always waiste your time on this website lol


I ask myself the same fucking thing

  On 5/30/2016 at 11:31 PM, The One Patriot said:

and Yes there could be many things that could be added to this game mode, and once more ideas come to my mind, i'd be sure to post them. As for now, I think it should be sort of like normal ZAM (Zombies attack survivals, until 1 is left) Once that 1 person is left, the challenge starts. (OR when there are 5 Humans/Survivals left, 3 should randomly die, and the other 2 fight for the last person).
I agree, the last survival should be able to cade, so he/she can block doors behind them, etc...But here is what cading should be like: You can ONLY put 2 cades every 15 seconds. That way people wont be able to camp with them (I mean even if the cading is normal, people normally would not camp with them anyway, cuz it is an event, or an unusual gamemod). 


Now I recall in rezurrect their was suppose to be the ability to be rezurrected and you'd have a raygun or some dank shit as the last survivor, not sure what happened to that, as for the cades I was thinking limit the cades someone is allowed to place, 10-15 seem like enough to stack/ run around with they only would need to be like 1 or 2 hits

not even going to comment on the rest

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  On 5/31/2016 at 12:22 AM, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

Have you notice the amount of times he's been writing his former/current in-game name in his posts to pretend he's someone else?


Im pretty sure everyone knows by now its him, but whatever hes having fun just let him type how he wants haha xd


as for indy i mean i said what i have to say ill just move on with lyf now, glhf

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  • Founder

If this is what you talked to me about in TS it sounded a bit different from what TKEM is. 

This mod is 95% finished, so it's worth picking it up and start working on it rather than creating a completely new one.

Things left to do on TKEM:

  • Classes
  • Shop items

Other than that, it's basically done. As of right now it's playable and I'd rather pick this project up again. 

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  On 5/31/2016 at 12:22 AM, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

Have you notice the amount of times he's been writing his former/current in-game name in his posts to pretend he's someone else?


lol it looks weird now since classixz merged the accounts, indy's ego isn't big enough to refer to himself in 3rd person kappa


As for this gamemode menono really care for it anymore plus like classixz said tkem is closer to being done so why bother making another one

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  On 5/30/2016 at 8:30 PM, ZoMbieK9 said:

#HENEEDSOMEMILK this is ZEM stuff and its shit.

If u want that to happen go play ZEM betrayer.


Can you like STFU? do you want more hate or something, you trying to start stuff? i already dislike you enough, dont make that turn into a hate. 

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