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So I was playing one day on the server, last wednesday, 2.8.2017 and something quite interesting happened. So here is basicually what happened. Peacy and Nagini were on the server and some other people too. So Peacy just left the game instantly after getting killed and I call in chat "Peacy RQ" and "Lol". After that Nagini says "Nope", I say "Yes" and then Nagini says "moer zombies" like he was allowed to leave. According to the new ragequit rule You cannot leave the game directly after getting killed as a human. I know Nagini was banned for breaking this rule earlier aswell. So after Peacy left the game, new game starts and we start talking about it that he should be banned. Nagini tried to tell me that he lost connection and didn't ragequit, but this really looks like an rage quit because it clearly says in the screen shot that Peacy LEFT the game. So I said if you don't ban him, I will report Peacy on the forums and let another admin ban him then. Then Nagini says something like ok and bans Peacy only for 1 day. So what this looks like is Nagini tried to lie and protect his friend from not getting banned. Friendships shouldn't matter when it comes to banning, everyone must follow the rules, no matter how good friends you are. He also banned Peacy for 1 day only, but from my understanding he should be banned for atleast 3 days because he has a lot of connections to Zam. This really makes me question Nagini's position as a staff member, as he has broken the rules and seems like he has some issues banning his friends. But I'm not here to judge anyone, just decided to bring this up and hear people's opinion about this. Also wanted to mention that he was pretty toxic towards everyone on the server after he had to ban Peacy for Ragequittin. I got a screenshot when Peacy left the game and I'm sure admins can check the chat logs on that day and confirm this, here is the screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/863981579884851344/0FD8273AAE496A9CA856E953F3A15CE7E03D1DD3/. This is not a hate post towards Nagini, since you are probably gonna look at this that way, but this is not how you can act as a staff member.

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I noticed that it says 19 seconds left in your bottom left corner, wouldn't ban anyone if it was like 30 seconds of time left on the map. Well, since it was Peacy I prolly would have banned him anyways(

Dunno, hard 2 say if it is due to friendship or just time, but weird that he says more zombies. But oh well.

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  On 8/5/2017 at 1:29 PM, Griggs said:

I noticed that it says 19 seconds left in your bottom left corner, wouldn't ban anyone if it was like 30 seconds of time left on the map. 


Hmmm yea I guess that makes sense, but if that is a thing, i think it should be listed somewhere, because currently it's not listed anywhere that you can leave the game if there is only like 30 seconds left, but good point.

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It all comes down to one word "discretion".

The length of the ban is primarily left to the discretion of the admin that types !tb....  first. Many times when I would ban a player for 3 or more days, I usually ended up reducing the length for the greater good of the server. So, not really all that different then what Nagini did. 

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  On 8/5/2017 at 12:36 PM, Jesse said:

So I was playing one day on the server, last wednesday, 2.8.2017 and something quite interesting happened. So here is basicually what happened. Peacy and Nagini were on the server and some other people too. So Peacy just left the game instantly after getting killed and I call in chat "Peacy RQ" and "Lol". After that Nagini says "Nope", I say "Yes" and then Nagini says "moer zombies" like he was allowed to leave. According to the new ragequit rule You cannot leave the game directly after getting killed as a human. I know Nagini was banned for breaking this rule earlier aswell. So after Peacy left the game, new game starts and we start talking about it that he should be banned. Nagini tried to tell me that he lost connection and didn't ragequit, but this really looks like an rage quit because it clearly says in the screen shot that Peacy LEFT the game. So I said if you don't ban him, I will report Peacy on the forums and let another admin ban him then. Then Nagini says something like ok and bans Peacy only for 1 day. So what this looks like is Nagini tried to lie and protect his friend from not getting banned. Friendships shouldn't matter when it comes to banning, everyone must follow the rules, no matter how good friends you are. He also banned Peacy for 1 day only, but from my understanding he should be banned for atleast 3 days because he has a lot of connections to Zam. This really makes me question Nagini's position as a staff member, as he has broken the rules and seems like he has some issues banning his friends. But I'm not here to judge anyone, just decided to bring this up and hear people's opinion about this. Also wanted to mention that he was pretty toxic towards everyone on the server after he had to ban Peacy for Ragequittin. I got a screenshot when Peacy left the game and I'm sure admins can check the chat logs on that day and confirm this, here is the screenshot: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/863981579884851344/0FD8273AAE496A9CA856E953F3A15CE7E03D1DD3/. This is not a hate post towards Nagini, since you are probably gonna look at this that way, but this is not how you can act as a staff member.


okay lol tell. i was talking with him on ts and he told me many times that hes lagging, and really his ping was jumping from normal to 999. so you are just bragging here about this and just crying over the whole webiste about this? yes its true i banned him but he left and map ended like 20 sec later. if you want to i will give him another 2 days ban if it means so mutch to you. and no its not about friendship i mean i have him on snapchat on facebook and everywhere. rules are rules its true and i banned him. if you want to just tell me i will ban him for 2 many days, but remember anytime you will need a favor if its to talk to class about your mod or to griggz  about your mod or to write something nice on your mod app i wont be there :) nagini out.

  On 8/5/2017 at 2:15 PM, ░MyXa░ said:

I mean, nagini likes hitler, peacy is austrian so... theres correlation xD


hitler is luv hitler is lyf

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  On 8/5/2017 at 5:23 PM, Nagini said:

okay lol tell. i was talking with him on ts and he told me many times that hes lagging, and really his ping was jumping from normal to 999. so you are just bragging here about this and just crying over the whole webiste about this? yes its true i banned him but he left and map ended like 20 sec later. if you want to i will give him another 2 days ban if it means so mutch to you. and no its not about friendship i mean i have him on snapchat on facebook and everywhere. rules are rules its true and i banned him. if you want to just tell me i will ban him for 2 many days, but remember anytime you will need a favor if its to talk to class about your mod or to griggz  about your mod or to write something nice on your mod app i wont be there :) nagini out.

hitler is luv hitler is lyf


If i was his ''friend'', and i was on ts with him, and he was telling me hes lagging really badly, and i saw that he clearly was, i wouldn't ban him considering it was like 20 seconds left, but i guess thats just me xD

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  On 8/5/2017 at 5:23 PM, Nagini said:

okay lol tell. i was talking with him on ts and he told me many times that hes lagging, and really his ping was jumping from normal to 999. so you are just bragging here about this and just crying over the whole webiste about this? yes its true i banned him but he left and map ended like 20 sec later. if you want to i will give him another 2 days ban if it means so mutch to you. and no its not about friendship i mean i have him on snapchat on facebook and everywhere. rules are rules its true and i banned him. if you want to just tell me i will ban him for 2 many days, but remember anytime you will need a favor if its to talk to class about your mod or to griggz  about your mod or to write something nice on your mod app i wont be there :) nagini out.

hitler is luv hitler is lyf


The only thing I will say about it is that when I was upset about you banning someone for three days recently instead of just 1 day I was lead to the new rules and felt your three day ban was justified in the end. I know only 20 seconds was left, but does that really matter? Nothing against Peacy, but rules should be rules.

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  On 8/5/2017 at 8:01 PM, stlmokevin said:

The only thing I will say about it is that when I was upset about you banning someone for three days recently instead of just 1 day I was lead to the new rules and felt your three day ban was justified in the end. I know only 20 seconds was left, but does that really matter? Nothing against Peacy, but rules should be rules.


I mean, just personal thing that I wouldn't ban if it was 19 seconds left, nothing in rules but I just want to keep players, however since that player is Peacy I probably would ban him anyway XD

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  On 8/5/2017 at 8:01 PM, stlmokevin said:

The only thing I will say about it is that when I was upset about you banning someone for three days recently instead of just 1 day I was lead to the new rules and felt your three day ban was justified in the end. I know only 20 seconds was left, but does that really matter? Nothing against Peacy, but rules should be rules.


i calmed down recently i dont ban people for 3 days or more ussually just for a day or two.


  On 8/5/2017 at 11:45 PM, Moon Bear said:

You shouldn't listen to them they should listen to you. 



everyone is always so butthurth. i mean look at this jesse guy hes bitching around for this and he doesnt see himself. he tryhard camp every map and than cryes to me to talk to griggz or class to give him mod. i mean yeah its true i camp a lot too but i run at start and ussually get killed of it.

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  On 8/6/2017 at 9:09 AM, Nagini said:

i calmed down recently i dont ban people for 3 days or more ussually just for a day or two.


everyone is always so butthurth. i mean look at this jesse guy hes bitching around for this and he doesnt see himself. he tryhard camp every map and than cryes to me to talk to griggz or class to give him mod. i mean yeah its true i camp a lot too but i run at start and ussually get killed of it.


I try hardcamp every game? You clearly have no idea who I am but oh well, and the only who is crying here is you,  as Kevin said rules are rules and everyone should apply to them, doesn't rly matter if there is 20 seconds or 1 min left on timer. I think you took this a little bit too personal and you are upset now, it literally says this is not a hate post towards but seems like you don't care about that either. You are the one who seems to be a bit butthurth when someone wants to critise you :) 

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  On 8/6/2017 at 9:09 AM, Nagini said:

i calmed down recently i dont ban people for 3 days or more ussually just for a day or two.


everyone is always so butthurth. i mean look at this jesse guy hes bitching around for this and he doesnt see himself. he tryhard camp every map and than cryes to me to talk to griggz or class to give him mod. i mean yeah its true i camp a lot too but i run at start and ussually get killed of it.


you try hardcamp every game too LOL XD

someones a bit hypocritical 

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  On 8/6/2017 at 9:09 AM, Nagini said:

everyone is always so butthurth. i mean look at this jesse guy hes bitching around for this and he doesnt see himself. he tryhard camp every map and than cryes to me to talk to griggz or class to give him mod. i mean yeah its true i camp a lot too but i run at start and ussually get killed of it.


So what if u run or camp doesn't change the fact that u are the moderator and you make the decisions, decisions that shouldn't be affected by crying kids.

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Nagini, when i got on 16:00 CEST (friend's timezone is the same as Classixz's) on the map Array, you were AFK for about 1-2 mins, and when i asked you to play objective in a jokingly manner, your excuse was "my girlfriend just broke up with me, and now she wants to text me, give me a moment" like, does that make it okay for you to go AFK or something? check the chat logs around the time specified, you'll see what exactly what happened during that match. Like Jesse stated, this IS NOT a hate post, its just that the things you have been doing lately (disrespecting players, breaking rules as staff, etc) isn't looking good. At all.

Edited by Buk Lau
ex>girlfriend, it was like 12 AM kill me
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