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Ban Appeal

[BAD] White Wolf

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50 minutes ago, [BAD] White Wolf said:


Yesterday, 10.08.2017 my brother got banned for fast shooting using desert eagle. He was usin corporal class and bought upgrade for it. Heis name is x33OnLSD and admin that banned him called him stupid kid. Admin was DennyB.

Haha, this kid was clearly scripting, me, DennyB, DragonLord and other ppl clearly saw it, his deagle was shooting the speed of the upgrade from the game start and he was using aimlock/aimbot too. Crosshair locking on ppl so don't try to protect your little brother, DennyB can confirm this for sure.

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im sure white wolf dont have a younger brother and isnt this the guy that is pretending hes girl on the server? lol i mean yeah he probably was hacking but idk didnt saw it. wolf your so called brother is not getting unbaned. this topic is now LOCKED


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  • Nagini locked this topic

Hi no I did not call him a stupid kid I called him a script kiddie there's a difference don't go trying to start drama for something I didn't do. As for the deagle he said it was a rapid fire mod there were plenty of people on the server that can verify this.  Even if this was your brother you have to be in control and have full responsibility of it.

Edit. I can and will get screenshots of our chat. And Griggs was also there and gave me the permission to ban you/him

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