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ZAM Update log / Idea thread


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New patch added.


*Fixed cold-blooded "Knife"

*Fixed players being able to use "Declassified".

*Applyed Indy fix on Grid.

+Added new Launch map by Indy.

*ZAMb3 rework.

*Fix PTS bug for zombies not earning points per kill.

*Hands now do 700 DMG.

*Killjoy fixed.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 2:29 PM, Destroyer said:

I guess they should be buyable skins but make the price between 50-100$ since If everyone has it, it doesn't make any diversity for the ones who have it. That will be great contrubition for Classixzz to pay them bills :3


To be honest i don't see that much people paying 50$ for a skin.

Would be better if it can be a "custom skin" so it will be worth paying.


Like someone say "Yo can you make me a Joker Skin, i will pay 40$ for that" and then Classix make a skin like that  http://imgur.com/lJiP4sY


Actually i don't know if it's possible to do that with a server scrypts ( so we won't have to  re-download the mod again and again everytime)


Just a cool idea that would allow UU to make extra money for the servers but will also make some extra work for Classix  :(

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  On 11/4/2014 at 5:04 PM, Wast said:

To be honest i don't see that much people paying 50$ for a skin.

Would be better if it can be a "custom skin" so it will be worth paying.


Like someone say "Yo can you make me a Joker Skin, i will pay 40$ for that" and then Classix make a skin like that  http://imgur.com/lJiP4sY


Actually i don't know if it's possible to do that with a server scrypts ( so we won't have to  re-download the mod again and again everytime)


Just a cool idea that would allow UU to make extra money for the servers but will also make some extra work for Classix  :(


You can find people who can pay 200$ (or more) for being an admin :D Reason why it should be priced high is, as I have pointed, it should be dedicated to less people.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 6:52 PM, Destroyer said:

You can find people who can pay 200$ (or more) for being an admin :D Reason why it should be priced high is, as I have pointed, it should be dedicated to less people.

I think it should rather be earned somehow.. Like playtime or something like that..Maybe amount of kills..Something that would make you work for it

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Here's an idea: I took them  off of tf2 :3

New class [VIP]:

-Deathringer: When knifed by a zombie becomes invisible for 2 seconds to escape. (only usable 2 times: per person) [2000]

-Backrape: All backstabs become insta-kills with any knife (500dmg so if zombies get 600 hp not instakill) [500] (i figured 500 would be good because mvp's have bowie knife which is 500 points too.)

-Critical hits: Pistols do 2x the dmg they did before [1500]

-Transform: Transform in to a zombie (same as escaper. Didn't really have an idea for 4th). [650]


Heavy: Same as tf2: Heavy weapons guy. [MVP]
-RPD (from mw2) [1000]
-Mediiic!!! (restores limb protector but is only usable once per person.) [1500]

-DeathMachine [2000] 
-Chain Saw (from Call Of Duty Ghosts) [1500]

Sniper [Free]
-USR (CoD Ghosts) [650]
-Intervention (mw2) [1000] (does 450 dmg)
-FMJ (Makes all snipers do 600 dmg)
-Marathon pro (run slightly faster and for unlimmited amount of time)(better then speedo) [950]

This could maybe be the UU-S class idk. ^ 


Obviously dmg and/or prices can be changed.

Also, i thought of some kind of event. Since ZaM doesn't have that much classes we could pick 3 winners with the nicest (possible) classes and reward them with something. E.G.: The new player models. i'm just saying some stuff but i think this would be a really nice idea. And Maybe we can do this with map designs too.

Anyway i'll try making some more later. 

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@ShameOnYou Next time you got ideas about having new classes displayed on the mod, here's the appropriate forum/topic to write on: http://undeaduprising.net/new/index.php?/topic/2954-classes-for-16-17/

We'll think about it and see if the classes are worthy to add to the mod or not.

@iamindy33 Only a few people on ZAM hold tournaments just because they have the money to give to us, and prizes to give to us. The rest of us don't really have the money or prizes to give to people just because we don't have a job, money, or anything to give away to them. We just sit there and wait for someone to come up with a tournament, and then we just sit there wanting the valuable prize when we have to do it and work it off. 

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I don't understand something.


Why did Shame get 3 down-votes for giving out some ideas? The only flaws I see are:

 - it's not in the appropriate thread

 - Backrape and 2 or 3 more class specials that were mentioned don't sound good


I am really confused. Why the down-votes? And then indy gets 3 up-votes for briniging up an idea that he mentioned about 5 times already.


Also, @ViiRuS_iQuicKZ

  On 11/8/2014 at 11:34 PM, ViiRuS_iQuicKZ said:

We just sit there and wait for someone to come up with a tournament, and then we just sit there wanting the valuable prize when we have to do it and work it off. 

That makes it sound like we're lazy asses who want free and easy things. Therefore, speak for yourself.

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  On 11/9/2014 at 12:30 PM, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) RAMSY! said:


Why did Shame get 3 down-votes for giving out some ideas? The only flaws I see are:

 - it's not in the appropriate thread

 - Backrape and 2 or 3 more class specials that were mentioned don't sound good


He got downvoted by me as he just mentioned the scout class with literally nothing and it like it did not even exist.

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  On 11/9/2014 at 12:39 PM, ๖ۣۜ⊂lassixz said:

He got downvoted by me as he just mentioned the scout class with literally nothing and it like it did not even exist.

Still, I think that replying to his post with some sort of feedback would've been better off (and nicer) than a down-voting it and calling it a day. After all, you did just say that you only dislike what he said about Scout. What about the rest?

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Well i kinda forgot about scout but scout is mvp. Free player's also want to see new classes. I see new players leaving everyday just because they get bored this is all because they don't have new things to tryout like vips and mvp's! if you really want people to play your mod you should also support the players who just play but not pay! this will bring more people to your mod which equals more mvp's which equals the longer the server stays up! And like ramsy said: You could've just replied to my post and tell me what's wrong with it. yes i know it's in the wrong section and yes there are some retardedly op specials in this but they can all be corrected, but that needs help. Do you really think someones gonna come and tell you 200% perfect classes: well i have the answer: the chance of that is maybe 5/100. Good and fun classes need some people: they all have idea's but all there idea's thougheter become an even better idea!

So, i'm sorry i posted it in the wrong section. Now i don't really care about the dislikes but still just try telling me what's wrong with it before you dislike.

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