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ZAM Update log / Idea thread


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*Trapped cade* Put it in a class that knifers usually use. It's a class special that costs 500 pts each time used and you can use it as much as you like.
Basically you put it down and zombies will come to it, when they finish destroying it instead of 25 pts the trapped cade will explode and do 350 dmg to the zombies around it. Maybe we can make a class a knifing/running kind of class not sure tho. And add all kinds of trapped things, would be fun i think.

Edit: i just realised this would be really op for campers.. so make it do dmg to the guy that placed it and to cades.

Also, nerf mines so they do alot more dmg to cades. Because i'm sure everyone hates camping with mines *cough* Pain *cough*

Edited by ShameOnYou
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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I had some ideas, some of which I already sent to Classixz.


Shell Recharge - Instantly recharges your Limb Protector (it regenerates it, you are no longer hit with a limb). For a solid price, this wouldn't be too OP. Could be a class special.


Slow-Mo - Some mod on BO1 had a slow-mo gun (CZ-75 which shot rays and would slow the game down). We could have something that slows the game down for everyone, as long as it has a solid price and limit to how many times it can be used by an individual. Basically, everything would slow down, not just movement speed. I mean turning speed, etc... Like true slow-mo. Ofc, using the shop menus would stay the same.


There should be a type of barricade that cannot be destroyed by a limb or cade-limb, only by hitting it with your zombie hands or Ballistic Knife, and it should be in the Stacker class (because that would be awesome to use for stacking and not fearing you'd get limbed off). 200-300 points per barricade.


And, as I mentioned, new types of zombies would be cool to see in the mod. So far, I only have an idea for one, and it's from ZEM. We could call it a Brute Zombie. It would have a lot of HP and would be really slow. Basically - the Nemesis Zombie of ZEM. However, it should be more optimized (probably more HP and a bit faster), as things such as FMJ can be used to kill it with ease.


Now, regarding the new zombies. When I mentioned the Brute Zombie, it was in a PM, along with everything else above this. We've discussed new zombies before, and everyone got so pissed over how they thought everything was 100% from ZEM, rather than those individuals thinking of it this way:


It doesn't matter if the original idea itself is from ZEM, some AI survival mod or whatever. As long as the idea you have in mind fits the ZAM play-style and isn't 100% copied from some mod (and by 100%, I mean exact same name, look and physics, although the physics are not that important in this case), your idea will be considered.


This also kinda stopped me from giving out more ideas for zombies when I sent this PM to Classixz. So, I'll post some more now.


Anti-Gravity Zombie - This is an idea I'd love to see in ZAM v1.8. Considering that there will be jetpacks coming with this new update, why not have a zombie that can jump high? Precisely. This zombie's special ability would be a very high jump. He'd also be able to easily kill people on stack spots, or even glitchers. Due to this, this zombie would probably have to have a bit less HP and he'd need to be visible on the mini-map (a red dot). If you think about it, this zombie is kinda OP to some extent. Also, there'd be a possibility for the zombie to get stuck in some spot by jumping into it, and he then wouldn't be able to get out. Due to this, there should be a suicide option for this zombie. Finally, this zombie should not be able to damage barricades in any way (via hitting them or limbing them), because it'd be pretty easy for him to reach stackers, break their barricades and just make it hard for them to kill him. Essentially, a zombie that can only kill survivors and can jump really high.

Healer Zombie - This zombie gives +100 HP (this can be changed) to every zombie in his vicinity every x (any number of) seconds.


Stingray Zombie - Very fast, lower HP, works as a smoke bomb upon death (when he dies, his surrounding area gets smoked).


Finally, I think that people using Wizard should be immune to Shaman Zombies. Might be OP, but people using Wizard have enough bad luck as is, at least if they get bad rolls via Roll The Dice.

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  On 7/24/2015 at 7:41 PM, Ramsy said:

I had some ideas, some of which I already sent to Classixz.


Shell Recharge - Instantly recharges your Limb Protector (it regenerates it, you are no longer hit with a limb). For a solid price, this wouldn't be too OP. Could be a class special.


Slow-Mo - Some mod on BO1 had a slow-mo gun (CZ-75 which shot rays and would slow the game down). We could have something that slows the game down for everyone, as long as it has a solid price and limit to how many times it can be used by an individual. Basically, everything would slow down, not just movement speed. I mean turning speed, etc... Like true slow-mo. Ofc, using the shop menus would stay the same.


There should be a type of barricade that cannot be destroyed by a limb or cade-limb, only by hitting it with your zombie hands or Ballistic Knife, and it should be in the Stacker class (because that would be awesome to use for stacking and not fearing you'd get limbed off). 200-300 points per barricade.


And, as I mentioned, new types of zombies would be cool to see in the mod. So far, I only have an idea for one, and it's from ZEM. We could call it a Brute Zombie. It would have a lot of HP and would be really slow. Basically - the Nemesis Zombie of ZEM. However, it should be more optimized (probably more HP and a bit faster), as things such as FMJ can be used to kill it with ease.


Now, regarding the new zombies. When I mentioned the Brute Zombie, it was in a PM, along with everything else above this. We've discussed new zombies before, and everyone got so pissed over how they thought everything was 100% from ZEM, rather than those individuals thinking of it this way:


It doesn't matter if the original idea itself is from ZEM, some AI survival mod or whatever. As long as the idea you have in mind fits the ZAM play-style and isn't 100% copied from some mod (and by 100%, I mean exact same name, look and physics, although the physics are not that important in this case), your idea will be considered.


This also kinda stopped me from giving out more ideas for zombies when I sent this PM to Classixz. So, I'll post some more now.


Anti-Gravity Zombie - This is an idea I'd love to see in ZAM v1.8. Considering that there will be jetpacks coming with this new update, why not have a zombie that can jump high? Precisely. This zombie's special ability would be a very high jump. He'd also be able to easily kill people on stack spots, or even glitchers. Due to this, this zombie would probably have to have a bit less HP and he'd need to be visible on the mini-map (a red dot). If you think about it, this zombie is kinda OP to some extent. Also, there'd be a possibility for the zombie to get stuck in some spot by jumping into it, and he then wouldn't be able to get out. Due to this, there should be a suicide option for this zombie. Finally, this zombie should not be able to damage barricades in any way (via hitting them or limbing them), because it'd be pretty easy for him to reach stackers, break their barricades and just make it hard for them to kill him. Essentially, a zombie that can only kill survivors and can jump really high.

Healer Zombie - This zombie gives +100 HP (this can be changed) to every zombie in his vicinity every x (any number of) seconds.


Stingray Zombie - Very fast, lower HP, works as a smoke bomb upon death (when he dies, his surrounding area gets smoked).


Finally, I think that people using Wizard should be immune to Shaman Zombies. Might be OP, but people using Wizard have enough bad luck as is, at least if they get bad rolls via Roll The Dice.

ok where u get so mutch free time?


and nice ideas btw :3

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meh the anti gravity.....

i'd be really pissed off if that zombie jumps on my face while im trying to handle 15 zombies in a stack spot or in p cade spot with a window.... when i camp and there's 15+ zombies i dont look at the minimap maybe if there is less so that jumpthing its kinda pointless


maybe maybe if he can just have 30-50 hp and the possibility to spawn it are 2%

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  • Founder

-Fire Staff currently disabled until the weapon update is out.

+ZAM 1.8 now got different bunkers for the small maps.

+Scorelimits changed, Under 9 players: 100, 9-13: 150, 14-18: 200 & 19+: 300

+Arlington now starts with Camera Spike

[+]Started to work on a "Points give away system".

-Debug saying "no skin" has been removed.




*Fire staff has been fixed.

+AA12 has been updated.

+2 New snipers

+R700 with acog added.

+Silver Desert Eagle is back.

+1 SMG

+1 Assault Rifle

+Added some music. (Looking for some background music & maybe some loading screen music.)

+Added some new FX




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  On 7/31/2015 at 4:46 PM, Classixz said:


-Fire Staff currently disabled until the weapon update is out.
+ZAM 1.8 now got different bunkers for the small maps.
+Scorelimits changed, Under 9 players: 100, 9-13: 150, 14-18: 200 & 19+: 300
+Arlington now starts with Camera Spike
[+]Started to work on a "Points give away system".
-Debug saying "no skin" has been removed.
*Fire staff has been fixed.
+AA12 has been updated.
+2 New snipers
+R700 with acog added.
+Silver Desert Eagle is back.
+1 SMG
+1 Assault Rifle
+Added some music. (Looking for some background music & maybe some loading screen music.)
+Added some new FX


music 115 from cod bo kino der toten?

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i have new IDEA!


wonder classs:  [MVP]


special items:

ray gun mark 2(pliz add it its so guud)[1500]

sliquifier(correct me if i spelled it wrong:c)[2000]

lighning staff[2500]

thundergun? yet gun? idk lol[about 3 or 4 k maybe?]


ultimate camper class:[VIP]


special items:

2x stronger barricade[400]

2x strognger standing barricade[600]


teleporter[free] teleports you to random bunker on map?



ultimate hunter:[MVP]


NUKE[2000](kills all the zombies on the map and gives player double points if he knives the zombie?

ballistic bowie knife[1000]

zombie trap[200](freezez zombies behind you for 5 seconds so you can run away)



runner:[free class(even those non vips deserve new class right?)]

sickle knife(or sog knife)[500]


python(or any other bo1 pistol?)[500]




thats its for today i will try to bring more ideas tomorrow! hope you like my ideas c:

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  On 7/31/2015 at 4:46 PM, Classixz said:


-Fire Staff currently disabled until the weapon update is out.
+ZAM 1.8 now got different bunkers for the small maps.
+Scorelimits changed, Under 9 players: 100, 9-13: 150, 14-18: 200 & 19+: 300
+Arlington now starts with Camera Spike
[+]Started to work on a "Points give away system".
-Debug saying "no skin" has been removed.
*Fire staff has been fixed.
+AA12 has been updated.
+2 New snipers
+R700 with acog added.
+Silver Desert Eagle is back.
+1 SMG
+1 Assault Rifle
+Added some music. (Looking for some background music & maybe some loading screen music.)
+Added some new FX


pliz add lightning staff and ray gun mark2 for bo2  and add thunder punch knife from bo2 and set it that does only 300 damage and that is starting knife plizzz c:

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About all the stuff that cookie said... Meh class are too op and won't tell you whats the problem (#Lazy) the sliquifider(idk the correct spelling and i mean the bo2 zombie gun in Die Rise,and idk the exact name of the mal LoL) would be very kewl but its complicated i think because it has all that kind of pink slime that is hard to set in the mod ( these are my thoughts idk if im wrong)

Another gun could be the blundergat, powered up or not (from mob of the dead,bo2)

Gun: hell's retrivier?????(still from motd)

Perks(u did not asked but i was thinking at mob of the dead) eletric cherry

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  On 7/31/2015 at 7:37 PM, horky* said:

About all the stuff that cookie said... Meh class are too op and won't tell you whats the problem (#Lazy) the sliquifider(idk the correct spelling and i mean the bo2 zombie gun in Die Rise,and idk the exact name of the mal LoL) would be very kewl but its complicated i think because it has all that kind of pink slime that is hard to set in the mod ( these are my thoughts idk if im wrong)

Another gun could be the blundergat, powered up or not (from mob of the dead,bo2)

Gun: hell's retrivier?????(still from motd)

Perks(u did not asked but i was thinking at mob of the dead) eletric cherry

if someone can do that pink this is classixz :o and about ellectric cherry...usseles if you are camping...it would only destroy barricades...

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  • 2 months later...
  • Founder

ZAM 1.8.3:

  • Fog system redone.
  • Fix for "Stroke of Daylight"
  • Fix for Galvaknuckles
  • + ZAM Halloween
  • Personal Custom Loadout now fully functional
  • Bunker updates
  • Arlington barriers
  • Preparation for Halloween VIP & MVP weekend 2015-10-30 to 2015-11-01
  • Bowie knife now do 800 DMG
  • Galvaknuckles now do 800 DMG


Update will be applied on both servers in a few hours, the Halloween theme will be until 2015-11-01.

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  On 10/17/2015 at 11:30 AM, Vov4ik said:

Cookie idea is not cool...

600 pts for AA-12 it is so low.

NUKE 2000 pts bullshit, forcefield had like a nuclear bomb but this removed.

Galva 500 pts bullshit, classixz made for 900 or 800 i( dont remeber) this is for guys who not have VIP or MVP FOR THEIR IT IS LIKE A BOWIE BUT BETTER.

Random teleport wtf you can from this, you can fall, spawn in some shit. And we have Wizard for teleport

Ballistick bowie knife 1000 pts, you can buy sickle ballistick knife for 1000 in class corporal or in cold-blooded for 200

Runner class hmmm im think it sufficiend and 3 classes: Hunter, Spetznaz and Escaper in Escaper and Hunter it has everything you need for running and python and others pistols you have in class Escaper M1911 or in Hunter idk, speedo 400 pts no plz. AND THERE IS for it UU-K for free if you complete bloody's rules and next you need to wait...

Ultimate camper class we have builder...

Ray gun mark2 it should be in strong class of weapons 4 1 3

Ultimate hunter class i said about it...

Wonder class these weapons should in the strong class of weapons 4 1 3

Special items: 2x strong cades whyyy we have builder! For this

I all said about this post..

vov4ik pls staph buttlicking to admins,....just staph

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  On 10/18/2015 at 5:06 AM, iamindy33 said:

vovik and cookie if u 2 cant get along on the site, then both of you can be removed

I see you saying this each time they - pretty much - talk. Please, either do something about them or idk.



  On 10/18/2015 at 5:06 AM, iamindy33 said:

As for zam updates I'd still like resurrect buffed, I rarely see anyone run with it, I've already mentioned reflect should be cheaper (300-350pts) not 2 cheap though because I'm afraid lowballs would camp with it when hit with a limb (yes someone actually used reflect while hit & camping much like they do with adapt already)




  On 10/18/2015 at 5:06 AM, iamindy33 said:

Also the freeze traps need to have a wider spread or I was thinking make freeze trap 1k pts and freeze all zombies on the map for 3secs with a recharge time of at least 30secs

No. Then you completely kill the purpose of the freeze traps to begin with. That's not how they were meant to be used. There's a small chance of you getting a roll (in Roll The Dice, Wizard) that freezes all zombies on the map, which is enough.

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