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Then how did you place the floating cades? just do noclip and place the cade where you go

The problem with noclipping is that you can't be exactly sure if you'll be able to move on it like you think you can.

For example with those floaty ones, if I'd noclipped to do it (which I didn't) I'd have no way of knowing if I could make the jumps or not.

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This one was a very basic campsite. It's a terrible campsite, though, because there isn't much space between where you can be and where the zombies are coming from.

This one, however, is better:



The only way into this building now is through the doorway in the second picture, which requires jumping onto it from the outside stairs...the gimmik? Once inside, it's impossible to leave. Would really fuck over zombies if every one jumped in at once, and there was a survivor NOT inside.

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