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[FFF]MurFist, ban-id 1886. Resaon: glitching (on european serv) at Saturday, 31/08/2013 (16:56)

hey, i want speak about my tempban .

1)I want u understand the admin (Myxa i think) who ban me make a mistake. In fact, the reason is glitching but it wasn't a glitch where i was: the map is WMD and with new cade black we can go on the tower, just jump and crouch for go here, without cade, it was here where i was( with 2 other guys who have been permban too in the same time).

So, if zombie can come with jump and crouch on the tower (anyway, i see 1 zombie jump on tower just before he ban me :/ ).

2) i have speak with an admin (Patriot if i remember exactly^^) and he said they will fix this with wall of black cade etc..., then its like say he is agree that its not a glitch.

3) Im sorry for my bad english x)

Then, i hope u will read this post, understand what i wrote :D and quickly unban me, cause its like a ban with no reason :$

Ps: i wanted speak to myxa but he was offline ...

thanks you for ur understanding? and.. ....see you later ???

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No, no! maybe the map was been changed just after, then u are right and me too >< when i have play there wasn't the wall of cade ( black). And nice admin ( myxa) who dont accept my friend request for talking about dat ....nd and i explain i can go on tower just with jump and crouch without cade, and zombie can do the same, why u continue to say its impossible ...

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the probleme is not this 10 days, its this myxa who kidding me >< i have succesfull talk with myxa, but he dont want hear me, so i continue to dont understand how he can think its a glitch when zombie can follow where i was, its really stupid , and this myxa (An admin !!) say: "u are a kid, idiot", and for him i dont know what is a glitch lol etc..... nice maturity !

Ps: Kex u was right, the map has been changed^^ ( just after the permban i think)

Finally, The real reason of this permban, its maybe the hope i pais for unban me :D i found ur machiavellian Plan !

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