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Zombie mod Ideas.


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So i want to come up with some Classes for ViP's and Admins, so here they are :)

Runner class: -500 Pts at the start, Swift at the start, any sub machine gun (silenced) The knife Damage 1 hit kills a 600 hper and no barricades, with the desert eagle and kar98. Also "Awesome weapons" Less DMG.

No name yet :/ But here it is: Freeze barrier (zombies get frozen when they go near you for 5 seconds.) The mines (only for vips), 100 Pts at start, deagle and kar98. Also when you activate "invisbility" a smoke will drop and smoke the place out so the zombies cant see you :)

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"Deep Penetration" - makes the knife an insta-kill against zombies (does 600 DMG); costs around 1000 PTS

"Flesh Wound" - makes you need to get knifed one more time to die (doesn't work on Ballistic Knife); buyable 3 times; costs around 1000 PTS.

"Flashstrike" - Blinds all zombies for a limited ammount of time (Flashbang effect); buyable 3 times; costs around 1000 PTS.

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When every survivor dies and there is only one left remaining, make him a Juggernaut. Give him the following: Ballistic Bovie, Flamethrower, M60 w/ Extended Mags and Grip, -75% movement speed (3 times slower than regular movement speed), buyable ammo and armour (needs to be knifed 5 times with Rebirth Claws, 3 times with a Ballistic Knife or hit 3 times with a limb). You can change some of the above if prefered to.

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VIP class idea:

"Future Soldier" - starts off with Beretta (sidearm from CoD4, can be found on the mp_beretta mod (I have it, can host it at any time)), Peacekeeper SMG from BO2 (to be added fairly soon), M40A3, Claymores, Decoy tactical grenades, Speedo, Ninja and -1000 PTS; has a very small shop (can only buy ammunition, Limb Protector and Spray&Pray); has the following class specials:

Invisibility Cloak - turns the player invisible for 5 seconds; usable 3 times.

Predictor - enables the Blackbird; usable 3 times.

Doomlord - makes a huge explosion around the user, killing everyone around him and destroying everything that is destroyable, dealing no DMG to him; usable only once.

Shakesphere - makes the radius (around 15 meters) around the user slow zombies down by 50%; lasts 15-30 seconds; usable only once.

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Class - Scout- starts with any sniper and any pistol (u choose ;)) perks-Hardened (penetrate Walls and more damage done) Shark gills-Hold breath for longer and Aimbot-increased aim and accuracy

Enjoy (might not be great)

Vector :)

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"Drop Zone" - A survivor special. A survivor gets to call in 3 Care Packages, but they can all either be good or booby trapped. This needs to use simple awards (UAV, C-UAV, SR-71 (Blackbird)) so that, if you want, you can throw these for zombies and get a 50% chance of getting a kill with an explosive Care Package. Earned at 25 (or so) kills.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Deep Penetration" - makes the knife an insta-kill against zombies (does 600 DMG); costs around 1000 PTS

"Flesh Wound" - makes you need to get knifed one more time to die (doesn't work on Ballistic Knife); buyable 3 times; costs around 1000 PTS.

"Flashstrike" - Blinds all zombies for a limited ammount of time (Flashbang effect); buyable 3 times; costs around 1000 PTS.

Deep Penetration seems cool, the Flesh Wound is definitely OP, turtle shell is better, Flashstrike is OP too because then the survivor can just run easily away and it would be hard for zombies and everyone would just spam it.

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