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So, a friend of mine sent me the files for some mod called DerekTrotter (or something like that, haven't checked it out yet). Anyways, with the files came a screenshot and when I saw this, I invisioned this being the best Iron Sights bolt-action rifle on ZAM. When I first saw this, I literally went like: "Wait. Da...fuq?".


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I've seen it before.

There's a mod called...the name escapes me. It's an ai survival mod but the ai catches on fire when you shoot them.

In it, there's a weapon called "Automatix". It's fully auto, fully automatic and looks like a Commando, but has no sights at all. When you zoom in the weapon goes very low and it zooms in a lot, as if it had an ACOG scope that was invisible.

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I know what you're talking about, but that's not it. What you're reffering to is the Automatix - a full-auto shotgun from some AI Survival mod, but I don't know the name of it. The weapons come from two entirely different mods.

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You could just add an object that would work as an attachment (in this case, sights), but you have to precisely position it so that the crosshairs don't look in a tilted or, simply put - wrong direction.

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Ever heard of - modding? You can add an object that will work as an attachment to the L96A1 (the one on the picture), but you have to position it properly.

If you've ever played ZXM (ZombieExtMod), and the last update, it has an MP-40 with custom sights, but it's messed up.

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