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An awesome idea!


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I've had quite a few incidents that I've been camping with another guy and he needs points for something and doesn't have them. I had this crazy idea about incorperating sharing points. I thought that there could be a class or section in the shop to purchase a ballistic vest but it is filled with points you have to place it down so at least the person needs to be near you to get the points. A few of my buddy's I've talked to thought it would be a good idea because friends would share wit each other. Consider this because I know a few people that I've talked to said they don't like playing as much because they have a hard time getting money for ammo,turtle,Cade's ext. I know at least 5 more regulars that would join if you incorporated this. Just consider this and try to add it. Thanks!

- mudder_fragger

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I like that idea as well. But I think to incorporate it, it would be cool to do the ballistic vest. Or maybe like a special Cade you could by in a non VIP class. It could be very small and can be destroyed. You can add to it and take away from it, but the zombies can break it with there hands, but not a case breaker. Or in ghosts for extinction how they have the ammo box make it a money box. Just seems like it would be fun like one if these.

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