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Marrre des admins


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Ce messages seras en francais car j'en ai marre que les admins se croivent tous permis . Mainteanant je dis a ce site que si il ne fait rien je vais porter plainte a la police car on nous demandes de respecter les règles alors les admins aussi doivent le faire.

En + Il restart les maps alors que on est en pleine parties c'est gavant donc UndeadUprising si tu fait rien je porte plainte pour arnaque !!!! Si vous avez pas compris

Google translate Existe!!!!!!!

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My translation :

This message is in french because i'm bored of admins, they think they can do anything. Now i said to this website, if it do nothing, i'll call the police, because you ask us to respect rules so admins should respect them too.

And +, he restart maps when you're playing, it's annoying so UndeadUprising, if you don't do anything i'll complaint for scam (Not sure about this word) !!!!!!!!! If you haven't understood, use google translate


You think i've done english grammar mistakes ? Nope, i translated his text :S (his text don't really have any sense...)


You can dislike his post. :troll:

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Ce messages seras en francais car j'en ai marre que les admins se croivent tous permis . Mainteanant je dis a ce site que si il ne fait rien je vais porter plainte a la police car on nous demandes de respecter les règles alors les admins aussi doivent le faire.

En + Il restart les maps alors que on est en pleine parties c'est gavant donc UndeadUprising si tu fait rien je porte plainte pour arnaque !!!! Si vous avez pas compris

Google translate Existe!!!!!!!

So I had to use Wast's translation to understand anything.

Anyway seems like your unhappy with a staff member and you're going to the police to do something about that person? Sure do that, anyway it's a lot of paper work to actually get them to care and give a shit about someone that did anything IRL, which means it's probably impossible to even get them to listen to you as it's a game.

Why not start of by telling us here in the forums?

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Ce messages seras en francais car j'en ai marre que les admins se croivent tous permis . Mainteanant je dis a ce site que si il ne fait rien je vais porter plainte a la police car on nous demandes de respecter les règles alors les admins aussi doivent le faire.

En + Il restart les maps alors que on est en pleine parties c'est gavant donc UndeadUprising si tu fait rien je porte plainte pour arnaque !!!! Si vous avez pas compris

Google translate Existe!!!!!!!

U mad over admins not following the rules? U RQ, hacked on RUS serv, desrespecting every1( even admins.) Sooooo don't complaing boi.. (Thanks Wast for translating.) Lawl.
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