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Cade limb bug


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How can we get the survivors if we don't do the "cade limb glitch-fyi that's what it is called." Oh wait really hard. I hope that they don't get rid of it. It would just be hard that way just wasting 200 points every single time only hitting 1 cade. You people are going to deal with this until KeX decides what he would do?

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So, when you throw a cadelimb right on top of cades it destroys all the cades. No idea if this was meant to be, but it's kinda annoying ;p. Hope you guys fix this.

The aforementioned "cade limb glitch" is actually an over-abused bug that will most likely not get fixed any time soon due to the main modder (KEX)'s lack of will towards modding. I know, it's a tough pill to swallow, but it's something we all have to bare with. What ViiRus said is his personal standpoint on this.

This is the one and only truth about this. Anything and everything else is needless to comment upon.

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