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The Silent Mod


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So I have had this conversation with a couple people, and I think that acquiring new admin/moderator/staff members for better safety in ZAM servers is quite stupid, because 90% of people are goodie two shoes when an admin is on, but when no admin is on they start breaking the rules. now hiring more people to be on won't help because they will still be goodie two shoes, so I was pondering the situation and I think I have arrived at the solution, the silent mod/admin/whatever. You make your application in private, and you are told whether you are accepted in by KEX or whomever, now no one knows that you are a mod, meanwhile you will get a specific class outfited for you on ZAM, the exact same as to what you had, but only there is a special "Shop" if you will, this shop will open up and have console commands, allowing you to kick/warn/tempban without people finding out. E.G. This person is not playing the objective and afk'ing, press 4 to open up shop, (or anykey for this matter) and than go to a sub shop "commands" you will have the commands: 1. Warn 2. Kick 3. Tempban. Then the subshops to those would be 1. Warn-<players names> -then a set commands, (AFK, Breaking Cades, etc.) 2. Kick- <players name> - Reason. 3. Tempban- <players name> - <Days> - <reason>. This will than provide the paranoia to all players to follow the rules at all times whenever, however.

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  • Founder

Not an bad idea, but i think the "moderators/admins" want to feel speical, and if they are hidden / silent they wont ever got that feeling, and they will easy be able to see who banned you or kicked you on stats and Echelon.

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Well you would still have your admins and mods, but you now add in a couple of people that are hidden, and obviously, if people are going to apply for the silent mod, they're ok with being hidden

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I Kinda like the idea, but as kex said once the "Hidden Mod/Admin starts to ban or even kick there would be the issue that it'll show who/when banned/Kicked you. but if it was possible to make it hidden from Echelon aswell then it would be perfect!

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If my memory serves me right, you cannot implement any commands aside from kick into a menu because other commands (such as notice, warn and ban) require a console to "complete the process". The console is like a registry machine which keeps track of a user's status and if it goes down, you cannot do much about it (untill the console is brought back up). However, kicking is a command that doesn't require a process to run through the console, so that's pretty much all you'd get from this kind of menu.

As for the idea itself - it's nice, but I'm gonna have to disagree with KEX on his given point. Obviously, all players "want to feel special", but it's stereotypical to believe that all moderators and admins want fame and glory (in both the sense of having respect and admiration from others and having OP shizz). There really are players out there who just want to help keep the server(s) clean from rule-breakers and don't want to be looked at like they outrank others just because of administration power. I know it may sound moronic coming from me, since I already have so much OP stuff, but I wouldn't mind being this kind of a "server guardian", if you wanna call it like that.

Just like how everything really should be, let's work on this idea before actually making a big fuss over it by creating applications and such. As a matter of fact, fuc* applications - let KEX and Griggs pick the best candidates on their own whilst playing or looking over the servers, give them a chance to become smth like this by asking them (privately) and see what goes on from there.

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  • Founder

Ramsy you are wrong, making a menu like this is possible and easy. And doesn't require any console.

Some people really don't want to be a part of the staff team, by making applications shows me who want to help.

Your application does not have to be perfect, as long as you can answer the questions.

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