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Okay, so when people comment on one of your applications and says something like; Not mature enough or acts immature ingame. This doesn't mean you have to change your whole attitude around and have no fun. When we say something like that is doesn't mean become Mr. Serious. We usually say you don't act mature if you tend to rage a lot or type hacker or whine about something silly. One the other hand this doesn't mean stay the same way. When they say to mature a little bit, people are saying to have a lot of fun but no when to hold back from commenting or raging. I'll use myself as an example. When I used to play I didn't really rage in chat but I would like to be like; wow double team or be like fag. I've been able to change that around and most of the time I die I might be frustrated with myself but I say good job to the guy who killed me. I just felt like writing a little forum to explain since I've been asked what I meant about maturity statements on people mods application. Thanks and anymore questions feel free to ask.

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i just rage to see bellucci cry: umad or and he's mad again. xD i just find it funny. Alot of people think it's just cause i can't hold it in but i just do it because it's pretty funny to see everyone's comment if you rage :P. And i think you're right if people find you immature, there problem. As long as you could be able to handle a server seriously you should be able to be a moderator. I'd think people should stop posting things on mod apps like: To immature, you can't handle it (how the hell do you know?), rage to much. I think that's just bullshit as long as you respect players and don't ban them for like: "noob" then it should all be okay. Some admins/mod's rage too.. It shouldn't matter but kex decides ;) and I don't make an app because of this. I know people like brizie or you will be like: to immature or rages alot or can't handle to be a mod. I think i would but yeah, i have no clue what other people think ;). And i think alot of other people struggle with this too. So just wanted to point this out to everyone ;).



Also gl to everyone who did make an app.

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Yes, I did. And i actually stopped my majorty of raging. Most of the time you guys just think i rage because i'm mad. But i really don't do you know when you rage people be like: ahahaha umad? or like "fag down" i just think it 's funny when people say that. Dat hate on that comment tho. x'D.

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Yes, I did. And i actually stopped my majorty of raging. Most of the time you guys just think i rage because i'm mad. But i really don't do you know when you rage people be like: ahahaha umad? or like "fag down" i just think it 's funny when people say that. Dat hate on that comment tho. x'D.

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