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Suggestion about making ZAM bigger.


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Okay, I understand that ZAM is still losing players and when I'm on everyday console says, If you have any ideas of making ZAM bigger, post ideas or something similar to that saying.


My ideas of making ZAM bigger: Make more classes for non-vipers, and vipers because we are adding more classes for MVPs, moderators, and admins. For the Free vip-weekend special stuffs, I was thinking that it could be 1-2 days longer because I just think 3 days is nothing to those that don't have vip because they ask me every month saying, Hey ViiRuS you know if there will be anymore vip-weekends in the future. Of course I respond no just because I don't know when the next one is until someone notifies me about it. Also, maybe we should put more stuff in the Free vip-weekend. I'm not really sure what but I know that us as a community can come up with more ideas for the free-vip weekend specials.


Post below if you guys have any more ideas about making ZAM bigger than ever.



After reading all the comments under this topic I decided to finalize this post that I started in the first place. Of course it's already 2015 and people are just leaving ZAM because they find no interest in the mod anymore or they have some other reason of leaving.

So, these are my new ideas...

- Classes. This primarily is for the non-VIP and VIP players on ZAM. Every update (besides 1.8) you guys always added new MVP classes for the MVP players, moderator's and admins to use. But what about the non-VIP and VIP players? They are apart of the mod too so don't they deserve like new classes too? And yes, I already know that on 1.8 you guys adjusted most of the current classes we had. But should we add more classes to the mod for non-VIP and VIP players?

- Do more VIP/MVP weekends. We always get players (server's usually full) whenever there's Free VIP/MVP weekend. Options are to either do more of them (either do them every month) or to make it longer then 2-3 days.

- Possible Giveaways (tournaments). Giveaways like the skins we have, vip, mvp, and other rewards people give out. Holding tournaments are fun and many people participate because of the rewards the people give away. We could also do like giveaways like we did back then where 5-10 (how ever many people) lucky winners win something.

- Advertising UU. I remember someone saying how we should try advertising our server on other Black Ops 1 servers but I'm not sure how that's going to work out since advertising = ban on many servers. We could give it a try or we could just forget about this idea.

- New Guns and New Spots. I know that the mod can't handle anymore weapons but I was thinking of removing weapons from the shop that people don't use and replace them with guns that people will actually use. Ever since the 1.8 maps came out people didn't really enjoy the spots that indy made even though he spent days (maybe weeks) creating (making). Maybe make (create) camping spots where people will actually camp at and for the people who enjoy running don't get trapped by those bunkers blocking their paths.

- New items/types of zombies. This idea just came into mind but I'm not sure how you guys will feel about it. Ever since 1.8 came out I feel like the survivors are too op because of the skins and I was thinking of there being new items and maybe new types of zombies in the mod.



Edited by ViiRuS_iQuicKZ
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I like the idea in adding the VIP weekend lasting longer. I feel like you could possibly have one every other month for a few days. This way people will be able to play with VIP and MVP multiple times in a few months and see what the like and people without it will possibly buy it. 

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why buy vip if we have free vip so often? cant be to often but player count does go up

We had Free-vip weekend about 4-5 times. I'm not sure why you said often. That would be like saying that we have free vip-weekend about every 2-3 weeks. The reason why we have more people on Free-VIP weekend than any other day is because the non-vipers get to experience what vipers experience-the loadout that the vipers have. If they seem to love the idea of getting VIP or MVP then just buy it, I mean it's cheap.


Also, I didn't like your reputation so I gave you a +1, so I don't have to think about that number until next time.

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Ill think too there are should more times vip days so every weekend 1 or 2 days a vip day is ok il think , than both server gonna get full with players and play with the (ViP)class enjoying the mod and under the week when is no vip given, should we add some more weapons on every map that you need to find on different spot ..So than alot survior running to the spot try to get one of the good gun like a desert eagle with maybe 60 shot in there . what u think about that ? il think that would be great cos the zombis running to that spot and try to catch the survivors and kill them.Than we got alot of more actions in the game ofc for knifers (braby:) and for shooters like me ;P ^^ What  you guys think about that ?

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Bringing the MC server back up won't increase the playerbase by a signifact number because not a lot of people will find the server that easily + whether they'll enjoy it or not is questionable + not a lot of the UU community players play MC as far as I know, but it would still be nice to have it back.


Add more non-VIP and non-MVP classes, focus on creating VIP classes and not so much MVP-only classes, do more free VIP/MVP weekends and possible giveaways.

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So I came up with an idea that could actually work very well. If we had someone on this server who is an admin on a ranked server you could have them make a deal with there (full) ranked server to advertise UU while we do the same for them. That way people from unranked servers could come see us and join the community. This could work if we got the right server to join with.

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I think that not only adding things to the free classes and VIP classes maybe even, CALL ME CRAZY but zombie classes? Nothing real game changing. I have been thinking for like 20 mins about what could be a zombie class but I have no idea I'm sure you guys could.

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I think we should add some VIP classes because you always add MVP classes. But there are lot of VIP players who have VIP.

 Two things on that: 1. You would want to buy MVP because of it's constant updates.  (Marketing Schemes ) 2.  I believe that class is the only person with the modding capabilities and correct me if I am wrong, but He does have a life.

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Well i thought if you could make free vip that people can just only [VIP] for an hour or two/per day.....I think that would be great and that would improve our loyalty to others then they will see that we respect others and they will feel in love with this community more...


And one thing came in my mind that UU-K have only access to Raven class....Idk how to describe it but yea :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

now this might sound crazy but maybe new guns, change camping spots, zombie classes do sound good as in adding different option in being a zombie,adding the soon to come cades like controllable etc, fix cade limb glitch, make it maybe so people can volunteer as zombies,2 ppl max, zombie classes with different like jugg zombie which is slow but hard to kill or anorexic zombie which is fast but low health, ninja zombie no sound for step and higher jump, to normal survivors no vip's should get 2 more classes. OOOOO and dildo luancher,ive told u griggz and class wunderwaf replaced with pink dildo skin and dildo explosive electricity.

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now this might sound crazy but maybe new guns, change camping spots, zombie classes do sound good as in adding different option in being a zombie,adding the soon to come cades like controllable etc, fix cade limb glitch, make it maybe so people can volunteer as zombies,2 ppl max, zombie classes with different like jugg zombie which is slow but hard to kill or anorexic zombie which is fast but low health, ninja zombie no sound for step and higher jump, to normal survivors no vip's should get 2 more classes. OOOOO and dildo luancher,ive told u griggz and class wunderwaf replaced with pink dildo skin and dildo explosive electricity.

I would love to have new guns on the mod, but what though. I believe me, iamindy, Zalipolo and Ramsy are the only people thus far doing spots for the server. We need more Zombie items because we just mainly focus on the Survivors. Adding the controllable barricades is a bad idea, I remember Ramsy saying something about people using them for glitching and what not. Fix the cade limb glitch, that would be an okay idea, but then we would need more ideas for the zombies though. Make people volunteer as a zombie? That is a bad idea, unless you are those types of guys that comit suicide just because you hate the map. I would like to have more zombie classes besides Shaman and Axis. What's with you and Dildo's these days?


Add more non-VIP and non-MVP classes, focus on creating VIP classes and not so much MVP-only classes, do more free VIP/MVP weekends and possible giveaways.

Between 3-4 weeks ago, I remember Classixz saying to me that he will hold a giveaway pretty soon, and I am still waiting for it...........

And I agree with the rest of the things to mentioned.

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Add some freaking prize pools into the game...all these new weapons and classes are fun for them people who are MVP or Vip but these are players who are playing this game quite long..

So to get those players who dont know how to use paypal or just are broke as a joke u should feed them with a chance to possible win some Vip or MVp Playtime


So if u just make some reward system like : most knifes in a day / week or most kills or highest killstreak in a week gets like 5 hours gameplay VIp /  MVp 

This might result in alot more addictive perspect :D mhuaha


Also  chanching the game play a bit  might help... I mean now it is just Survivors vs zombies...most camp...some run or make sick castle or whatever.

But what if we change the gameplay for them instant campers? This could be done so freaking easily by a undercover starting zombie.

Just looks like a average Survivor for the first 3 minutes but then ....... KABOOOM Super SAYAN 5 TRANSFORMATIOn ZOMBIE Backstabs whole instantcampers team BOOM BABy 7 kills:D or 10 ...u get the point.

Nobody can trust anyone for the first 3 minutes... Its just a uniqeu role since we now have just zombies and survivors...but adding this undercover creature A.K.A  Ditto  ^^ thats how i like to call it will have such awesome infleunce for the starting game..



Anyway what i like to see is more kinda role play...not more freaking guns with camos and more classes...and yes ..I aint mvp or vip lolz..BUT I CAN if i want to :o I AInt broke just saying!

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Ow trust me ppl will like it ..no correction they must like it!  :o

And adding the thing will just make everyone run for the first 3 minutes or take the risk and camp instant... 

Anyway i added a yt vid for giving a better sight at what i mean with this creature the Thing (yes its  Starcraft 2 video since Doh Starcraft 2 is #awesome! and has lot of modding options)

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxF9gQNj4Do Check from 0.45 Min til 1.00  and 5.45 min till 6.10  for transformation etc etc also use a bit of you imagination to translate this in blackops style.

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now this might sound crazy but maybe new guns, change camping spots, zombie classes do sound good as in adding different option in being a zombie,adding the soon to come cades like controllable etc, fix cade limb glitch, make it maybe so people can volunteer as zombies,2 ppl max, zombie classes with different like jugg zombie which is slow but hard to kill or anorexic zombie which is fast but low health, ninja zombie no sound for step and higher jump, to normal survivors no vip's should get 2 more classes. OOOOO and dildo luancher,ive told u griggz and class wunderwaf replaced with pink dildo skin and dildo explosive electricity.

I love the sound of DILDO LAUNCHER but people will just shove them up their ass and fire a dildo in their but hole soooo maybe it could shoot out condoms so this issue wont accure

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