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Maybe a VIP/MVP Event ? ~


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What you guys think about an Pink Panther event ?

Pink Panther is a game. i try to explain it ^^

We have an ''Pink Panther'' and some other players wich standing in a row. When the PK says ''Pink panther say: Follow me'' than you have to do it but when he only say ''Follow me'' with out the ''Pink panther say'' you are not allowed to follow him. otherwise you die and you're out of the game.

Here's a German video just to explain it a bit coz my english isnt the best ^^

Maybe it could be an VIP/MVP event if you like it. Iths just a suggestion.
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This kind of remind me of a game-play called "Simon Says" (that's how it's called in America, and other places where people speak English). It's pretty fun, and challenging just because you aren't allowed to cheat, you must always make contact with "Simon" (the guy that chosen as Simon), and you aren't allowed to look at other players which makes it really challenging to those who are have little to no experience with this game-play. As MyXa said, it wouldn't be famous in one of the ZAM servers just because it seems boring at times, and you never know how long the game will take. You may think it's funny, but to me it's not.

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What you guys think about an Pink Panther event ?

Pink Panther is a game. i try to explain it ^^

We have an ''Pink Panther'' and some other players wich standing in a row. When the PK says ''Pink panther say: Follow me'' than you have to do it but when he only say ''Follow me'' with out the ''Pink panther say'' you are not allowed to follow him. otherwise you die and you're out of the game.

Here's a German video just to explain it a bit coz my english isnt the best ^^

Maybe it could be an VIP/MVP event if you like it. Iths just a suggestion.

It's called siamon Said and no cause it's not zam and it's stupid

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