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New To Forums.... Doctor Tardis


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Hi guys :P I am new to the forums and I am goigto be applying for mod sooner or lalter. So yeah. You will mostly see me on US, but sometimes EU... mostly US though. I like to help people in the game by cading for them and letting them take my kills, so if you ever see me on US, tell me and we could camp together! So that is about it for now.


-From, Doctor Tardis

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Welcome to the forums, Doctor Tardis. I've seen you 3-4 times on the American server, and you seem like a cool person. You seem to enjoy our mod which is one of our priorities (to make people enjoy our mod (ZAM)). It seems like you know how to play our mod, and you help others out which is good. Hope to see you more often on the website and mod. That's about all, and you're welcome.

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