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Hey, I made this topic to see what keybinds you guys use. In my opinion I think it's very interesting.

My Keybinds:

Forward - Up arrow.

Backward - Down Arrow.

Left - Left Arrow.

Right - Right Arrow.

Sprint - Enter.

Knife - Scroll Down.

Grenade - Middle Mouse.

Jump - Ins/0.

Thats just my main ones..

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Hey, I made this topic to see what keybinds you guys use. In my opinion I think it's very interesting.

My Keybinds:

Forward - Up arrow.

Backward - Down Arrow.

Left - Left Arrow.

Right - Right Arrow.

Sprint - Enter.

Knife - Scroll Down.

Grenade - Middle Mouse.

Jump - Ins/0.

Thats just my main ones..

I use wasd to walk shift is sprint middle mouse is knife e is change weapon  g and h are lean and q is for gernade/tomahawk

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Forward -  I

Backward - Z

Left -  P

Right -  3

Sprint -Tab

Knife - Avada Cadabra!

Grenade - Allah Saraba!

Jump - Del

? bullshit dont believe you way to hard to play that way and also avada cadabra and alah saraba like wtf is dis shit

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My Keybinds:

Walking Forward - W

Walking Backwards - S

Walking towards the left - D

Walking towards the right - A

Sprint/Running - shift

Knife - Usually E or 3

Jump - Space

Grenade - Middle Mouse or H


Am i old school when i'm using this? :D  

Forward -  W
Backward - S
Left -  A
Right -  D
Sprint - Shift
Knife - V
Grenade - G
Jump - Space

This is old school right here. Change your keybinds.

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I think it's safe to assume that you were dropped as a child... yo momma must've had shit keybinds :/

i think that your a piece of shit that has no respect for any one. you are a immature little shit that can go die talking about my mom. I said that stuff about the keybinds because i didnt understand but for some reason you had to be mean. I still dont understand why your unbanned. You still seem to be a immature fuck that doesnt care about your fellow players. It seems that you wanted a problem so you have got your problem. so yea FUCK YOU

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Ye, so.... you're* you're* you're* an* you're*... srsly tho, I just found your reply so fucking retarded, that I just couldn't hold myself, okay? Sorry if I insulted you, maybe if you didn't take it SO FUCKING SRSLY, we wouldn't have a problem here. But okay, I respect you being a pussy, it's fine, we can still be friends, I don't mind c:




I tHiNk.wE.aLl.agRee.dOnT.wE.iNdY.?

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Ye, so.... you're* you're* you're* an* you're*... srsly tho, I just found your reply so fucking retarded, that I just couldn't hold myself, okay? Sorry if I insulted you. Maybe if you didn't take it SO FUCKING SRSLY, we wouldn't have a problem here. But okay, I respect you being a pussy, it's fine, we can still be friends, I don't mind c:

Yea*,seriously*,though*,Seriously*, you forgot the period on the last sentence.* "c:" isn't a real word either.

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Do you can set binds for survivors and zombies? like X for example will buy HP to zombies

and Z will be cades for survivors, just an example

The X thing was in ZEM a long time ago, but I actually would not mind seeing this added in. Heck, ZEM really is long gone now, so, anything is okay at this point. And, while we're at it, what about the "hit with limb" announcer (the messages that spam 3-5 times in the killfeed, saying that someone has been hit with a limb)? And, about the barricade part - just use Builder. A barricade bind button would be OP.

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