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Mr Knife and others


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So this is a report / question.

Recently mr knife went rage and quit the game and joined back 1:21 minutes later and I time these things and then said that his steam crashed (BULLSHIT) and continued to get really angry at people blaming them for him getting killed and then calling whoever killed him a hacker witch started to get really annoying and the !noticed people for no reason. Also he went on to block 2 hunters and got his friend to kill them while they told him to move whitch pissed me off BECUASE before he was talking about a application pft good luck. He also then said your all noobs and I'm better than everyone here.

I don't care what his punishment is but I just want to use him a example of how many players have the same attitude as this kid I mean how negative do you get. As a usually calm player I tried talking to him telling him not to do what he was doing as it will get him banned but he just said I was a noob and a shitty player shut up shooter I just gave up

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He is now permbanned for advertising by iamindy... and i wonder why could you explain it Indy? I guess he was "advertising" Unity(ZEM) which is already dead so i dont see single reason to give him permban, I also dont understand your hate towards ZEM you used (seems like you still have). Theres what he wrote and probably reason why he got that ban.


#2174235 To ALL players look at unity esport,njin.com 10/03/2014 04:46:10 pm
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I've also seen kenny able to play who was permed for advertising, and then a hacker I pb'd on echelon was playing again and I banned again and he rejoined again until I banned him ingame, menono what happened with echelon, he is valid to make a topic to dispute his ban

I've been noticing that lately with some people, and it has been going on my nerves just because Console always mentions this person has x amount of bans every minute, and it's really annoying (it's still annoying). Something must have happened on Echelon, or someone unbanned them?

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I'd like to see most if not all the people permbanned from the latest zem debacle unbanned also some of the fags that abused the god commands when given the opportunity, its been a few months, the server numbers are still fine even with all that

I hope we never see Maniek ever again he should be ip banned

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