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UU member DSyR_TriicKz




i just checked the member list if something changed and than i saw 


i am steam friend with him but he didnt played BO1 multiplayer for a long time.

i dont want to criticize that he got accepted but i would like to know why, he didnt post anything here and didnt saw him for a long time on ZAM.

this is just a suggestion but i think there are more practical and active players out there who could take his place....

UU members have to represent UU and i think he cant do that when he dont play it anymore.

(maybe an admin could check when he was last seen)

I dont have something against him but a UU member should play ZAM bit more than he do...




i just want to know if you agree or disagree with me that 


is UU member ?


thanks for reading.



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DSyR is a UU member, but it's still questionable how he got into UU. Most of us understand that he hasn't been on that much due to some reason, and we are wondering why is that? Last time he was online was around 2 months ago. So either kick him from UU for being inactive or keep in UU. Either way, he still ain't going to play ZAM.

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There is currently 6 UU members BIGz is active on US  Elmo is on some times   Destroyer is active on EU  Jackmonkeybomb is on sometimes  dsyr tricks is not on  Theknifingdrummer is on sometimes.

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Sorry, I'd like to be more active. It's easier for me to be active regularly on the forums which I am because of my phone. But it's hard for me with school and job and swag and yolo, I'm not going to go into my personal life, but it is harder for me to get on now a days.

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  On 10/26/2014 at 11:16 AM, BLOODY said:

i mean if you can get kicked out of UU member group ?

If you get kicked out of UU, I think your member headicon would be removed, but you won't have the privilege to use UU as your clan tag unless you re-apply for the clan. But if you get promoted from Member to Moderator/Admin of course your headicon is going to change. As BIGz stated, he is right. 

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  On 11/3/2014 at 6:59 PM, ShameOnYou said:

This topic shouldn't have been made anyway, bloody is just jelly a random noob gets accepted to join UU but he doesn't so yeah.

  On 11/4/2014 at 8:26 PM, iamindy33 said:

this topic shouldn't have been commented on after everyone else stopped....

This topic was made because this UU member has been inactive for quite a long time, and the admins needed to read this topic just to kick DSyR_TriicKz for being an inactive UU member for a very long time (period of time), or do something else to him. But I agree with you guys, this topic should have never been made. It would of been better if BLOODY private messaged Classixz or iamindy33 on the website or steam so that way not everyone had to be involved in this problem (situation). Lock this topic, and we will be done talking about it.

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"Where can I see all UU-Members?" Just go to this link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UndeadUprisingMembers/members


Also: Y6WsGii.png


So this thread gets created 23 days after the member was kicked out of UU.

As you did not do any research on your information I had to provide it for you.

Members shown on our website may not be correct. Our Steam group is always correct.

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