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Well hello guys, Im MakeYouSayWTF
Im sure you guys have seen me around at somepoint playing ZAM and for those who havn't i wish to see you guys around, But i wanted to introduce myself so you guys know more about me :)

So. i started playing a zombie mod back in late 2011, Im sure most of you guys knew it, the mod was called ZEM i loved that mod so much i use to come home from school at 4:00 and get on straight away. i loved everything about it the play style the community and everyone was so friendly!.
But.. I quit cod for a year and I came back earlier this year around May 2014 and i was looking everywere for the ZEM Mod i even asked all of my old friends and the admins that i knew. I got told it shut down, i was devistated that my favourite mod got shut down. BUT!, i found this! The Zombie Annihilation Mod also known as ZAM This mod is one of the best mods in Black ops.. I am so happy and greatful that this mod is here. im glad i get to experience the enjoyment that i had back in 2011-2013 And i am truely greatful of classixz and the rest of the Developers for making this mod.

Thankyou guys for reading and have a beautiful day! <3

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Welcome MakeYouSayWTF to our website. At first you seemed annoying in-game, and I thought you were 10 years old. But after I got to know you some more on teamspeak, I was amazed that you told me you were 15 years old because all along I thought you were some immature kid who spammed on microphone. Here we are friends (today), talking to each other on Teamspeak, having fun in-game on ZAM. Hope to see you in the future some more.


So. i started playing a zombie mod back in late 2011, Im sure most of you guys knew it, the mod was called ZEM i loved that mod so much i use to come home from school at 4:00 and get on straight away. i loved everything about it the play style the community and everyone was so friendly!.
But.. I quit cod for a year and I came back earlier this year around May 2014 and i was looking everywere for the ZEM Mod i even asked all of my old friends and the admins that i knew. I got told it shut down, i was devistated that my favourite mod got shut down.

Try your best not to talk about ZEM that much since ZEM is technically our enemies. We just dislike them. But I'm glad you chose us, and I hope you stay with us for as long as you can stay with us. I understand you are some-what new, and that's something helpful to think about in the future. No problem.



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Welcome MakeYouSayWTF to our website. At first you seemed annoying in-game, and I thought you were 10 years old. But after I got to know you some more on teamspeak, I was amazed that you told me you were 15 years old because all along I thought you were some immature kid who spammed on microphone. Here we are friends (today), talking to each other on Teamspeak, having fun in-game on ZAM. Hope to see you in the future some more.


Try your best not to talk about ZEM that much since ZEM is technically our enemies. We just dislike them. But I'm glad you chose us, and I hope you stay with us for as long as you can stay with us. I understand you are some-what new, and that's something helpful to think about in the future. No problem.




Sure thing :), I know you guys don't like ZEM, And i will stop talking about it, i just wanted you guys to know about how i got started and what i have become today :), Thanks viirus, and i really will never leave, this is the most fun i have had in ages!

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