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3 Free VIP!! OMG!!!


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We will be giving away 3 (maybe more) vips for our servers. All you have to do is post your Steam name and your XUID.

Here is a video made by KickArse if you dont know how to find it!




Just fill this out and wait for the results!

Steam Name:


How long have you played the mod?:

This will be in random order, don't worry about the 3rd question, we just want to know smile.png

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Guest Guest-BukAKe47

Steam Name: BukAKe47

XUID: 110000102afa6db

How long I have played this server? It has been about 3 1/2 weeks.

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Guest Prime

Ingame: TotallynotPrime


Who long have you played the mod?: Since uhm...3 weeks? 4weeks? I dont know exactly...but PWEASE! IM POOR <:

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