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3 Free VIP!! OMG!!!


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Guest DCC | N1ght

Steam Name: DCC | N1ght / dark_tim

XUID: 1100001056614da

I played the mod since the Clan NxT time ago and had VIP to get me once but I do not like PayPal so I let it stay. So I hope I get one once in a mod free VIP. Thank you!

Info: I've been playing CoD since about 1000 hours, most of the time I spent playing with mods. I went into my first clan Lmfao and now is the Clan Tag: DCC! My name was then times DarkDragon7410> Storm <N1GHT and now!

Thank you!

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Guest Nova

Steam Name : Nova

Why do I think I should be Picked : I can't buy VIP cause my Prepaid won't work

Xuid : 1100001047cdbf

How Long Have I played Zombies!! : It was shown to me by XRambo legend And I like it a lot better then ZEM I've been playing for around 3 - 5 weeks

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